New Tool song: Fear Inoculum ***Update: Album Released***


Jacked white boy
Oct 13, 2016
Reaction score

Waddya think, fellas?

IMO, a slow burner that's straight fire by the end. Better with repeat listens.
Def a grower, loved it quite a bit. They still got the groove and lyrics are still introspective and relatable, wasn't disappointed at all.
I ll wait for album, for now those 3 songs are boring, but I ll wait to see if those fits in album or not.
It's definitely Tool, no doubt about that. Hoping it grows on me. Still hadn't listened to it cranked yet, I'm sure that will help
Love it. Definitely an adult version of Tool from decades past.
I liked it from the first listen, but it definitely grows on you.

Been a big Tool fan since about 2004. Saw them live in 2006, at the age of 16, and then again here just last month. I've also seen APC live when they came to Denmark about a year ago. It's quite amazing how they've managed to stay relevant for so long, and the most impressive thing is that it seems Fear Inoculum might be the biggest selling album yet! With them going on online streaming services they'll also definitely see a boost.

I don't think the new album will eclipse anyting like Lateralus or even Undertow, but it's definitely shaping up to be excellent. I actually really dig the new style. I think I'll like this album more than 10.000 days, barring probably a few tracks like Wings For Marie. Can't wait!!

Edit: Wow, the album is #1 on Amazons CD preorders AND the limited edition is already sould out :( Bummer.
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3 weeks til the album, excellent. tool can do no wrong by me <Fedor23>

half way through it really reminded me of Disposition
It's a good song. I did notice that there are a couple parts that are waaaaay to similar to older songs. Like at one point Danny plays a part that sounds almost exactly like the drumming for Reflection.
Like the new songs so far, especially Invincible, can't wait until Aug.30th
[QUOTE="helax, post: 154140013, member: 437341

half way through it really reminded me of Disposition[/QUOTE]

That’s sounds like a very good thing to me.
Was a huge fan back in the day and I'm glad to see they're putting out new stuff. If I had to criticize I'd say this is nothing we haven't heard from them before. Not necessarily a bad thing. AC/DC put out an album a few years ago and it sounds just like what they did in 1974. Sometimes bands just become settled in their sound I guess...
I like it. It’s definetly Tool and their sound is usually a safe bet with me. It does remind me of a few songs off Lateralus as others have mentioned. My favorite Tool songs mostly end up being ones where the vocal melodies didn't catch me right away and that’s where the songs grow on me on repeated listens. This might be one of those but I probably won’t discover the true potential of these tracks until listening to them with the album.

Seeing them in October and they usually play new albums in their entirety so I hope it’s really good as Fear Inoculum is sure to be their entire set going by the times I saw them after Lateralus and 10,000 Days
Sounds...lazy? Safe? Relatively unrefined?

It''s fine but it feels like they didn't spend the time honing it the way most of their prior music has been. Like it's more of a jam than a completed song.

Anyways, the other songs they've played sound more promising so I'll wait until the album gets released. Though I'll say, what I've heard of those two has the same problem this one has wherein Maynardds vocal seem like a layered on afterthought. Previously the vocal felt like an integral part of the song where in this is kinda seems like he just didn't give it the time it needed to fit the song. Like....big words and stuff but lacks any sense of personality unique to the song. Its like what I'd write if I was told to sound as generically toolish as possible. And honestly that goes for the guitar and bass as well.
Tool is my favorite band but the new songs are very underwhelming tbh. Still love to regardless but I have very low expectations for the new album based on what I have heard so far.
At first I thought it was meh ok good I guess and now after a few listens I think it’s the greatest thing they’ve ever done
It's fucking amazing.
Hoping we get new vinyl releases of all Tool albums along with the new one :)
It's fucking amazing.

I've only listened to it once and thought it was okay. I'll have to give it a couple more listens though. Still haven't heard any of the rest of the album yet.
I liked it from the first listen, but it definitely grows on you.

Been a big Tool fan since about 2004. Saw them live in 2006, at the age of 16, and then again here just last month. I've also seen APC live when they came to Denmark about a year ago. It's quite amazing how they've managed to stay relevant for so long, and the most impressive thing is that it seems Fear Inoculum might be the biggest selling album yet! With them going on online streaming services they'll also definitely see a boost.

I don't think the new album will eclipse anyting like Lateralus or even Undertow, but it's definitely shaping up to be excellent. I actually really dig the new style. I think I'll like this album more than 10.000 days, barring probably a few tracks like Wings For Marie. Can't wait!!

Edit: Wow, the album is #1 on Amazons CD preorders AND the limited edition is already sould out :( Bummer.

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