No energy left post boxing


Yellow Belt
Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
After boxing or high intensity workout I have no energy left. I can barely play with
my kids and it lasts pretty much test of the day. It does not happen with strength training or slow long runs. I experimented with food before training and also eating a lot or less post training and it did mot make any difference. I should probably talk to my doctor threre might be some nutrient deficiency. Did anyone had similar experience and is there a post workout nutrition or supplement you would recommend?
You are probably just training hard. I am assuming you are an older guy so it is harder to recover. Maybe schedule your workouts later in the day. I find that intense morning/midday training isn't beneficial for me. Some stretching and cardio is fine but anything that I have to push hard. I tried the getting a workout in between lunch hours routine and I felt off for the rest of the day.
Assuming your sleep and diet is more or less OK, and based on the fact that your other workouts don't have that effect, it sounds like maybe the intensity of the workout is simply too high to the point it leaves you feeling beat up.

Maybe try lowering the intensity and/or duration of those workouts to a point where you don't feel beat up. Don't go 100% all the time, maybe try 70% or so. Then once you establish a baseline for what you can tolerate, slowly try to increase it over time.
You are probably just training hard. I am assuming you are an older guy so it is harder to recover. Maybe schedule your workouts later in the day. I find that intense morning/midday training isn't beneficial for me. Some stretching and cardio is fine but anything that I have to push hard. I tried the getting a workout in between lunch hours routine and I felt off for the rest of the day.
yeah, I am in my 40’s getting old sucks. I am planning to fight in July, I do not want to decrease intensity unless i really have to. I workout later in day, around 4pm and on weekend I spar first thing in morning 7am and same issue with morning or afternoon session. In general I do mot sleep well, that probably has something to do with it.
Thanks for replys
yeah, I am in my 40’s getting old sucks. I am planning to fight in July, I do not want to decrease intensity unless i really have to. I workout later in day, around 4pm and on weekend I spar first thing in morning 7am and same issue with morning or afternoon session. In general I do mot sleep well, that probably has something to do with it.
Thanks for replys

Respect for training well in your 40s.
Recovery gets more and more important with every decade.

Sleep - try to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep. Nothing will trump good sleep.
Avoid blue light and gaddets, sleep in a well ventilated cool room.
Meditate before sleep, put a phone in to flight mode.

When i had sleep problems , this supplement helped me:

Try this one or similar, the components are great and well researched there.

Then comes a balanced diet.
Do a blood work and consult a dietician to adjust your diet.
Get 1.5 gr of protein per kg of body weight.

Consume good protein and quality foods.
Maybe creatine if kidney are helathy and you don't need to cut.

Good multi vitamin , fish oil and ZMA are also good.

Also, i hope your SC is balanced with your boxing, so you won't overtain.
You can't train in your 40s like you are 25.
Work smarter, not harder.

Take care.
Honestly you probably just suck at boxing. Probably feels like a super HIIT workout to you right now but you will get better at it and it will get easier.
Your muscles will be used to the movements and your technique will get better so it won’t be as tiring. Maybe you will have less energy expenditure and adrenaline dump in sparring too.

Im the exact opposite in which lifting hard kills me more than training. Especially boxing, probably one of the easiest combat sports on my body
Try beta alanine. Its in pre workouts and gives you the "tingle" but its severely underdosed in most. Take 3-5 grams and your muscular endurance will improve potentially helping you get through easier and not as fatigued in the post.
After boxing or high intensity workout I have no energy left. I can barely play with
my kids and it lasts pretty much test of the day. It does not happen with strength training or slow long runs. I experimented with food before training and also eating a lot or less post training and it did mot make any difference. I should probably talk to my doctor threre might be some nutrient deficiency. Did anyone had similar experience and is there a post workout nutrition or supplement you would recommend?
Are you getting enough carbs?
Try beta alanine. Its in pre workouts and gives you the "tingle" but its severely underdosed in most. Take 3-5 grams and your muscular endurance will improve potentially helping you get through easier and not as fatigued in the post.
I was just to post update when I read your post. I started taking Beta Alanine from Thorne supplements. It is slow release formula that does not give you a tingle. Even thought I been training more often and at higher intensity, my recovery is much better. I highly recommend it.