Multiplatform "No rest for the wicked" could be the ARPG soulslike union that I have been waiting for. Steam Early access April 18th.


Gold Belt
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score

I've loved diablo style ARPG's a long time and lately I have wondered if one could be made as a soulslike. Hoping that this game is exactly what I have been looking for. Moonstudios is making it and they are responsible for the Ori games so I trust the quality.

Edit: WOW! Steam Early access April 18th

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Wow! Just watched this and now I am even more convinced that this game is the future! Way more depth than I expected at first. This isn't just a single player game that you beat a couple times and move on. They are really innovating the genre and competing with the other ARPG dungeon crawlers.
Looks great.

Got out of most AARPGs because it gets to the point where you’re just looking at sparks and different colored numbers when it is the late game. This looks visceral. Definitely going to check it out.
Been hyped for this one. I think it's going to be a great game. Hoping for something along the lines of 20-25hrs+.
Been hyped for this one. I think it's going to be a great game. Hoping for something along the lines of 20-25hrs+.
If they succeed in what they are saying then you should be able to sink a lot more than that into it.