Official War Room Awards 2019

Look man, I like @Madmick a lot more than most people around here, but I feel like even he would disagree with a "most friendly" nomination lol

This is highly personal.

I don't care if he is rightwing and in politics I do not agree with, but every time I have asked him, I have not only received an answer, I have received an answer as elaborate and as he has both knowledge of and have spent personal time exploring and thus given me an answer that was beyond what I needed. Therefore, I think he is one of the most helpful people on this site.

He feels honest.
This is highly personal.

I don't care if he is rightwing and in politics I do not agree with, but every time I have asked him, I have not only received an answer, I have received an answer as elaborate and as he has both knowledge of and have spent personal time exploring and thus given me an answer that was beyond what I needed. Therefore, I think he is one of the most helpful people on this site.

He feels honest.
That's not wha-
...carry on

told ya....
Ok everyone, lay off my friend @SBJJ , he's in my cool book.

If you have a problem with him, you have a problem with me.

fair warning. **rolls up sleeves , **puts out cigarette.
This thread always delivers
Beg to differ. Though he is better than SBJJ. Don't know what you were thinking with that one. Sheesh.
Failure to live up to your standards is its own reward and a great compliment. Thanks so much!
Failure to live up to your standards is its own reward and a great compliment. Thanks so much!

The fact that you're a grown man making a post like that says it all, really.