International Omicron Mega: Persei 8 Edition

Is UK going to lock down?

Why would we lockdown when we have a high vaccination rate now. Previous lockdowns were financially crippling and another one would be even worse; i dont see the point.
I haven’t looked deep into it , is it that worse than Delta ?
I don't believe they know enough at this point to be able to tell. Its heavily mutated, but that doesn't always mean worse or more easily spread. The media is certainly all over it though

So some travel bans but still loose border security so it will get here from tourist in Mexico
How did it go from Delta to Omicron? Makes no logical sense.

They probably skipped Nu to avoid confusion about the "new" variant, assuming this one isn't the last one. They also skipped the president Xi variant lmao

So you think unvaxxed = sick ???

Did I say that?

Unvaxxed people are typically more contagious and have the virus longer when they get infected. As is, it is only a matter of time for anyone to get exposed to the virus, especially anyone working in a hospital.
Did I say that?

Unvaxxed people are typically more contagious and have the virus longer when they get infected. As is, it is only a matter of time for anyone to get exposed to the virus, especially anyone working in a hospital.
Actually all of that is complete bs .
aren't we about to hit 800k deaths in America? That's the single biggest mass death event in the history of this country. Weird how so many people take it lightly and joke about it.
skewered statistics. A lot of those deaths came from other factors but just labeled as a covid death to inflate the numbers.

Its time to move on from this paranoia.
Fauci would 'not be surprised' if omicron is already in US, predicts it will go 'all over'

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Saturday morning that he would not be shocked to learn that the COVID-19 omicron variant is already in the U.S.

"We don't know that yet, but you have to be careful and assume that that's the case. It also has a bunch of mutations that would suggest it could evade the protection, for example, of monoclonal antibodies and perhaps even convalescent plasma for people who've been infected and recovered and possibly vaccine. These are all ‘maybes,’ but the suggestion is enough," he said.

So some travel bans but still loose border security so it will get here from tourist in Mexico
It's best to assume that by the time a lab finds a new strain it's already gone global. This has been true for every version of Covid. Best to say meh, and just go about your day as far as I'm concerned. Fuck all we can do about it except to learn to live with the virus and go on with life.
We still on 15 days to slow the spread?

I for one am shocked, and definitely did not say nearly 2 years ago that you were never "going back to normal" once everybody rolled over for lockdowns and mandates. There's enough "variants" every couple months to keep this going indefinitely.
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this will never be over, will it
Lol. You're smarter than this. It's been clear for quite some time that we're all gonna get Covid and it's not going away. Ever.

Secure your own shit and move on.