One of Ngannou's NFT was sold at 50 ETH.

I can't criticize when I,myself, have sold 3 of my artworks at 1.5,1.2 & 1 ETH each. I got benefited myself.
So are people buying images just to sell them later on at higher price? Or are they really digital art collectors? (never thought this would be a thing)
So are people buying images just to sell them later on at higher price? Or are they really digital art collectors? (never thought this would be a thing)

It's both. Some are collecting to sell them later & some of them are collecting just for sake of collecting. One of the benefits is that I will get 10% of commission from each future resale of my artwork. Talk about earning without doing anything.
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Everyone thought bitcoin was dumb when it was first invented
i still don't understand this. is there a primer that dumbasses like me can read about this?
i still don't understand this. is there a primer that dumbasses like me can read about this?
NFT is Non fungible Token that runs on Blockchain. Think about it a copyright system, You tokenize your old artworks, photographs, video, gif, meme , collectable etc & then no one could counterfeit it. It runs on Ethereum blockchain. Tokenizing one of your artworks is called Minting.

Now this Minting requires a small amount of gas fee or transaction fee. After minting them you can put them on auction or sell it on a fix price.
NFT is Non fungible Token that runs on Blockchain. Think about it a copyright system, You tokenize your old artworks, photographs, video, gif, meme , collectable etc & then no one could counterfeit it. It runs on Ethereum blockchain. Tokenizing one of your artworks is called Minting.

Now this Minting requires a small amount of gas fee or transaction fee. After minting them you can put them on auction or sell it on a fix price.


I mean I could get a perfect replica of the Mona Lisa but it doesn't mean shit because it's not the original.

People pay millions for original art from Banksy. I could buy a copy from amazon of the same picture for $20.

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