Only 1% Of Men Can Bench 225

Women would rather have the Hugh Jackman body here vs the other body


Holy leg day skipper

That second pic has to be a shoop though
225 isn't a hard goal to reach. I benched 220 as a young teenager when I wrestled in the 128 lb division.

I couldn't bench much more than that today as an out of shape adult.
A 1.7x bodyweight bench as a light sub-junior is absolutely world-class, no two ways about it. You and I have very different definitions of "isn't a hard goal to reach".
That doesn’t seem right but maybe. 225 once or 225x10?

Most people don't train, and if you don't train it's every unlikely you can bench over 200... it's just not a muscle group that gets much use in everyday life.
I never lifted weights. I was active growing up, playing several sports for fun, and joined the military - so mandatory PT and regular testing. After I retired - so now I'm 40 - I started lifting with a few guys during lunch. I hit 200 at the end of our 2 month experiment. I wasn't thrilled with that, but that put me well above my experience level for my body weight.
I used to load up 2 96 lbs portand cement bags at a time in trucks at this lumber company in HS (was like home depot before home Depot) Now I cant pick one up....least not safely. I think they got heavier over the years or....
This is functional strength, which I feel I always kinda had. I bailed hay and dug holes for money as a teen, and once I was active duty there was an near endless string of heavy things that needed to be moved.
It depends if you train for it. It's like really big guys who can bench a lot but can't do a pull up or 50 pushups. I have a friend who can SOHP 185 but he can't get 205 on the bench.
I watched a series of YouTube videos where this fitness guru dudes did the fitness tests of various militaries. I was shocked when these Adonis looking guys couldn't match my push-up / sit-up numbers.
Man you could never get an accurate an honest assessment of that from dudes. Every other non-Sherdogger is either a "street fighter" or can "box".

Please. Every Sherdogger benches the 275 and trains teh UFC(World Champion with a full training camp);)
When I see those huge power lifting like dudes and they are putting up big numbers but their gut looks like a guy who doesn't understand what diet is I don't get it. Your putting in all this time at the gym for what? To look fat?

Over the years I've noticed people favor training that validates their existing body type. Huge powerlifting dudes with a gut are dudes who already fucking love to eat and would be "overweight" one way or another even if they didn't lift. By training powerlifting, they're engaging an accessible sport that fits their existing body type (they're already used to running a caloric surplus and probably don't do a ton of LISS and fidgeting around during the day - that's what "skinny" guys do). Then they can hold their heads high having validated their existing lifestyle and be like "durr hurr, you weak asses can't even bench teh 500 lbs or DL teh 800! Big lifts are where it's at!"

OTOH skinny dudes be like "I ran 10 miles before breakfast then did flutterkicks on the bench while benching 50 reps of teh 65 lbs! You big strong guys can't even push your anaerobic threshold for 3 hours straight! Weak ass endurance is where it's at!"

Assuming they're not pro athletes, both guys would be best served adopting the training modality of the other to be better rounded. But of course that would require each to take accountability of their shortcomings and work to correct them - which most people are reluctant to do.
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I can deadlift.
Never been a fan of bench press.
Been training since a very early age, played sports even as an adult. Never benched over 185lbs. Having long lanky arms and a skinny frame made them not fun and ultimately stopped caring about them. Got my Deadlift over 405 though.
I can't bench 225 but I know a lot of guys who can that wish they looked half as good as I do. I sound like an arrogant prick but it's true.
A 1.7x bodyweight bench as a light sub-junior is absolutely world-class, no two ways about it. You and I have very different definitions of "isn't a hard goal to reach".

I should of said, isn't hard to get for an adult man that is of average size or bigger.

220lb was no easy feat to reach as a teenager.
my excuse is that i dont have access to a barbell. Even then I could maybe get to 200lb, 225 is like 40 lbs over my bw.

my 2nd excuse is i train more for athletic performance than just to be strong. So i do a lot of unilateral leg exercises.
I work out at a gym with a solid power lifting set up and I rarely see anyone benching 225 or higher. That’s the after work weekend warrior crowd though. The other old guys act seriously impressed that I can bench over 300. I went at lunch one day and the young guys out at that hour seemed a lot stronger. They we’re squatting big weight though, maybe that leg day meme stuff got to them.
That's bullshit. If you count the whole of humanity maybe, but if you only count burger-fed americans who work out regularly there's no way that's correct.
That's bullshit. If you count the whole of humanity maybe, but if you only count burger-fed americans who work out regularly there's no way that's correct.
Dude it’s totally correct.
A lot of the guys at my gym are huge, but I don’t often see many do 225 for reps. A few of them I do.
Again, these are the 5-10% of people who even go to the gym, then out of that number I feel like 10-15% of them do it.

If you had 1 year to get 225, MOST people could, assuming they are 175lbs or heavier OR just don’t have awful genetics. Even 150lb dudes could hit it for a 1RM if they had decent genes and worked at it.
Rampage said he hated to lift weights and even train. But had no problem lifting a 220+ lb man, dead weight, over his head and dropping them like a sack of bricks... But he was also a Sherdogger at one point in time , 2 decades ago. ;)