Movies Out of the Oscar lead actor winners from 1970s to 2020s - Which is the best performance? (Finals O/T)

Who's your pick?

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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My pick:

Daniel Day-Lewis - There Will Be Blood

Anthony Hopkins - The Silence of the Lambs

Marlon Brando - The Godfather

Daniel Day-Lewis - There Will Be Blood

Daniel Day Lewis, imo.
Hopkins. 16 minutes of screen time and delivered an amazing performance and made Hannibal an iconic character
Tough voting for Hopkins as he was only in like 30 min of that movie. Went DDL
Yeah he was the Phillip Hoffman of that movie - supporting character that stole show - still a supporting character.

I'll also put out there, Pacino was better than Brando in Godfather. Michael is the main character and lead actor imo

The only true lead actor in the poll is DDL
That was the movie Hannibal actually starred in SOTL he co stared but got the Oscar for a lead - as good he was in it - it was wrong category
Hopkins was the lead male character in SOTL. Lead characters are the main focus of the movie. Supporting characters are not the primary focus of a story. Viewers were WAY more interested in Lecter than they were Foster.
Hopkins was the lead male character in SOTL. Lead characters are the main focus of the movie. Supporting characters are not the primary focus of a story. Viewers were WAY more interested in Lecter than they were Foster.
Okay that doesn't matter in category though . You get 21 minutes in a over 2 hr movie that's a supporting role. Hopkins clearly dominated the movie in that short time but so has Phillip Seymour Hoffman and he wasnt up for Oscar for a lead.

There was only 1 lead in SOTL that was Foster.
Okay that doesn't matter in category though . You get 21 minutes in a over 2 hr movie that's a supporting role. Hopkins clearly dominated the movie in that short time but so has Phillip Seymour Hoffman and he wasnt up for Oscar for a lead.

There was only 1 lead in SOTL that was Foster.
Supporting roles are never a storyline focus. You can remove a supporting character and still have a movie. Remove Lecter and there is no movie.
Supporting roles are never a storyline focus. You can remove a supporting character and still have a movie. Remove Lecter and there is no movie.
He wasn't the focus Buffalo Bill was an catching him. Hannibal was the vehicle to do it . Not any difference from Hopkins role and a PSH role. Granted Movie is lessened incredibly without Hopkins but doesn't mean he was a lead.

Now Brandos Godfather was what you're talking about....... as his screen time was short but he was the movies focus.
He wasn't the focus Buffalo Bill was an catching him. Hannibal was the vehicle to do it . Not any difference from Hopkins role and a PSH role. Granted Movie is lessened incredibly without Hopkins but doesn't mean he was a lead.

Now Brandos Godfather was what you're talking about....... as his screen time was short but he was the movies focus.
In addition to his screen time think about how many conversations there were about Lecter between the characters when he was not on screen. No other male had more attention given to him via screen time or dialogue among characters than Lecter so to me he was the lead male character.

(I know you won't agree so we should probably just walk away now.)

To me, Brando wasn't the focus of Godfather it was the whole Corleone family. But I agree he should not have a gotten the Oscar for lead male character since Pacino had much more time. I actually thought Brando was pretty boring in the movie.