Out of these board games - which 5 are your favorites?

What's your picks?

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Chess is in the lead, not a surprise I guess. Being the most popular board game of all-time and probably the hardest to be great at.
Not many Rummikub fans I see.

I'm more of a sit and play game with the kids without having to overthink things or play for hours on end. I like party games where you get in and out and can finish a game realtively quickly
Game of Life

Honorable Mentions:
Not sur eif joking, but there is no ukraine. Its russia, and it got a amo shortage scar card, which fucked it for ever trying to defend it


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Trivial Pursuit
I would have liked to see Sorry on that list.
The most fun board games are nowhere to be found in these options.

Chess is a good competitive strategy game. The rest are "family games" with the possible exception of Catan which I've never played.
From that list:

Trivial Pursuit

Stratego, Risk and Monopoly are up there too.
in no order.

trivial pursuit
Connect Four is a sham because with no mistakes, the person who goes first can't lose
chutes and ladders was my favorite board game of all-time growing up. the game of life is a close second.
regular stratego sucked. but electronic stratego (or regular with a 3rd person acting as judge) was great.

my favorites were shogun and axis&allies, though.
Shogun is my fav
followed closely by monopoly and risk
Nobody ever finishes Monopoly....because the financial disaster its just too long to end for any given person.... every Monopoly game when the person losing hits the point of no return... meaning he is just going to lose everything but we still have to wait for the numbers and for him to hit the spot and bla bla bla... then that person says just...ah fuck it lost and destroys the board... and also by that point its been hours and everybody is already tired of the game.... and what I described is the BEST case scenario... 95% of the time people will stop playing even before somebody is losing...its a great amazing game but its just too long
Trivial Pursuit
I would have liked to see Sorry on that list.

I agree that Sorry should be on the list. Fun game. You could be in last place but draw a couple Sorry cards and turn it around quickly.
Nobody ever finishes Monopoly....because the financial disaster its just too long to end for any given person.... every Monopoly game when the person losing hits the point of no return... meaning he is just going to lose everything but we still have to wait for the numbers and for him to hit the spot and bla bla bla... then that person says just...ah fuck it lost and destroys the board... and also by that point its been hours and everybody is already tired of the game.... and what I described is the BEST case scenario... 95% of the time people will stop playing even before somebody is losing...its a great amazing game but its just too long

Check out Chinatown:-


It's one of my favourite games. It's like the endgame of Monopoly, but without the hour plus it takes to get there. It's also played over a fixed number of rounds so it doesn't go on forever.
if we counting tabletop games
40k 9th edition is GOAT
i dont have models but me and my buddy playa modified version with platic army men and toy dinosaurs that we got for cheap. we use a downloaded paid for copy of the 9th edition rules for a backbone

also we play a version of monoply called mafia