News Paddy Pimblett & Molly getting their own TV Show

Name a more iconic duo
If only they were a couple as well!

I'm only jesting of course in case someone is wondering.

Good for them. Most likely not my thing though.
Oh I would watch this if it is also a travel show about Merseyside, although I thought it was a county and not town. I don't see many shows about Liverpool and its surroundings at least in the United States. Hopefully we get to hear about the history, architecture and food.

The show, which is entitled “Paddy & Molly: Show No Mersey,” will air on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer in the U.K., with a launch date to be revealed soon. The title is a nod to Merseyside, which is the hometown for both Pimblett and McCann and will be featured prominently on the show.
Not that I would ever watch but I can’t imagine how bad this is going to be , two of the most unentertaining and uninteresting people that could possibly be given a show
I heard its called low risk high reward
This just shows how retarded modern mma fans are

I miss the pride era
Will I have to stop watching tv now too? I stopped eating meatballs because of Molly.
Bruh say it ain’t so. I made some meatballs with a veal, beef, and pork blend the other night. If season correct, none can defense. Don’t give up on meatballs sherbro.
I'm surprised Meatball's chick is actually decent looking (I said "decent")!!

Now we see why Molly's always been hanging on Paddy's nuts.

She's probably one of the best paid current wmma fighters just off of her always latching onto him. Despite her being a dog shit fighter.
That sounds like that will be obnoxious
I like you oldboy, you are a real dawg.

But I gotta say this post is kinda ironic considering that you seem to be bothered by a bunch of other peoples opinions that needlessly offend you enough to make a post on this thread, despite having zero impact on your life and again would be fixed by not tuning in.

Sorry sherfam, callin it like I see it. :(
Lol. I'm mocking people. Not upset by them.

Thanks for the compliments though, Sherbro. I like you too.
weight gaining / weight cutting for dummies?
I would watch it just about Paddy, me being from the UK it would interesting to see the MMA scene in Liverpool and he is a decent fighter. Also Liverpool is an interesting place with loads of history. He's seems like a decent lad. Molly is too full on for me though.
Good for them, go get that TV money
Inb4 Sherdoggers being needlessly offended despite this having zero impact on their lives and them not having to tune in.

yeah, i don't even care for Paddy or Molly, not like i hate them just impartial, but i'd tune in for some Man vs Food comps with Paddy and Molly. or them visiting different pubs around the UK. if it's just following them around like a reality tv show then i won't watch but that's because i don't like reality tv.

it's only a positive, even if the show sucks. more growth for the sport, more money for the fighters, more traction can be gained in the mainstream for MMA related things is good for everyone.

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