News Phil Baroni arrested for murdering his girlfriend in Mexico (Facing 30-50 yr)

I disagree. He was severely depressed and manic after his buddy died, was having marital problems, and likely snapped after an argument, and went on a murder-suicide mission. It happens all the time.

Not everything is some super complex thing. Not saying that CTE wasn't a contributor(who really knows what was going on in his head), but there are thousands and thousands of similar cases, where the guy who maybe had his head knocked around in high school, doesn't get the same excuse, because they weren't a famous athlete, where people just have to have an answer that isn't simple, because they feel like they knew the guy, and he would never ever do something like that.

By most accounts, Chris Benoit was a nice, but VERY fucking weird and distant dude.
thats 100% the case. He would never do that, I know!

every heinous crime has people making excuses as to why the person would never do that. He killed his wife and kid, the most likely reason was, she was leaving him, and taking the kid. Most often in life, the logical answer to illogical situations, is true.
I get what you're saying, but he was just some guy trying to "live that life", despite having millions of dollars. He wasn't a Crip or a Blood, or whatever. He had no allegiance to any actual organized crime gang. He was basically akin to a guy who watched too many rap videos.
And there it is. It wasn't the CTE, it was rap videos
And there it is. It wasn't the CTE, it was rap videos
Learn to read. I said he was akin to some dork acting all gangster, because of outside influences. He was a fucking multi-millionaire professional athlete, still hanging out with his shady "homies". But yeah, it was all the CTE. Not his actual lifestyle that he refused to abandon, in the face of "keepsin' it real".

Who cares anyways? The piece of shit couldn't do more than a few years in prison, before offing himself. I guess he wasn't so gangsta after all...
My point is that he wasn't a different person, when he did the deed. It was very much in line with the lifestyle he was living.
It looks like he went off the deep end as he got more severely impaired. What people describe with these cases is that people's personalities change over time. Having bad associates may have hastened his situation, but the totality of the case shows he changed and went over the edge. Pretty hard to discount the effects of CTE on murder when he was proven to have murder-level CTE.
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It looks like he went off the deep end as he got more severely impaired. What people describe with these cases is that people's personalities change over time. Having bad associates may have hastened his situation, but the totality of the case shows he changed and went over the edge. Pretty hard to discount the effects of CTE on murder when he was proven to have murder-level CTE.
"Murder-level CTE" doesn't exist. There are many, MANY people walking around today with CTE, who haven't planned out and executed a murder, dude.

He didn't "change". He had a bad night and made a poor decision, that was likely amplified by alcohol and his "thug life" macho bullshit.
You are actually mistaken. Aaron Hernandez had one of the worst cases of CTE ever found; his brain was wrecked. They did a brain autopsy after he died.

Eh, not so much.

Encephalopathies have numerous causes, many unrelated to external trauma. Imaging shows extent of damage but not cause.
A girl at BU made a statement and the agents and the NFLCTE crowd and the mindless American press ran with it.
Typical actual CTE progression is towards end-stage Ali. Towards tomato.
There is no substantive indication that actual CTE contributes to violent behavior. There are a few anecdotes, but anecdotes are always statistically meaningless until they occur in statistically significant proportions. Actual CTE does not develop in a vacuum. It develops in a functioning mind capable of chronic frustration and fear caused by realization of deteriorating function. Those symptoms always cause some types of people to lash out, but they definitely do not always cause all people to lash out.

Regarding suicide, manifest depression is the most common cause.

Societally, what was needed was a vehicle to assign victimhood to a deceased ghetto star, and they found it. Whatevs. No one cares. Hernandez stopped making headlines a long time ago.

Hernandez is not the model fronted by the CTE complainers.

By far the most probable causes of Hernandez's behavior were a lack of intelligence, a lack of fruitful social values, a personal need to cultivate street cred (which no millionaire actually needs), and a history of substance abuse.
Athletic ability, stardom, and tons of money were not enough for that young man. He was so personally insecure that he also needed to develop "street cred" in order to feel truly "accepted."

IOW, he was a moron.

But carry on. Whatever floats your boat.
Eh, not so much.

Encephalopathies have numerous causes, many unrelated to external trauma. Imaging shows extent of damage but not cause.
A girl at BU made a statement and the agents and the NFLCTE crowd and the mindless American press ran with it.
Typical actual CTE progression is towards end-stage Ali. Towards tomato.
There is no substantive indication that actual CTE contributes to violent behavior. There are a few anecdotes, but anecdotes are always statistically meaningless until they occur in statistically significant proportions. Actual CTE does not develop in a vacuum. It develops in a functioning mind capable of chronic frustration and fear caused by realization of deteriorating function. Those symptoms always cause some types of people to lash out, but they definitely do not always cause all people to lash out.

Regarding suicide, manifest depression is the most common cause.

Societally, what was needed was a vehicle to assign victimhood to a deceased ghetto star, and they found it. Whatevs. No one cares. Hernandez stopped making headlines a long time ago.

Hernandez is not the model fronted by the CTE complainers.

By far the most probable causes of Hernandez's behavior were a lack of intelligence, a lack of fruitful social values, a personal need to cultivate street cred (which no millionaire actually needs), and a history of substance abuse.
Athletic ability, stardom, and tons of money were not enough for that young man. He was so personally insecure that he also needed to develop "street cred" in order to feel truly "accepted."

IOW, he was a moron.

But carry on. Whatever floats your boat.
There actually is a whole lot more scientific evidence than what you mention but that is too much typing. FYI I am actually a therapist that works with these disorders off and on, so my boat floats with better knowledge than most.
Can't speak to the other cases but I will say Phil Baroni always struck me as someone who could absolutely kill someone in a fit of rarage
Phil Baroni has been a psychopathic shit head since he was a teenager. He's beaten the shit out of every woman I've ever known him to date and I have numerous terrible stories about him over the past 20 years for doing other terrible things to people including spiking a 16 years kid that triangled him on his head.

I haven't seen him in about 5 years. He definitely has cognitive problems from fighting but he was an asshole before that.

He was getting mopped by 145lb amateurs last time I trained with him. I refused to do rounds with him. He barely made sense when he spoke.

He got stuck in Mexico because he beat the shit out of his ex gf and she snuck out at night and took his passport, ID and wallet and jumped on a plane back to the US to escape him.

Then he wifed up the poor Mexican girl that he beat to death. Fuck that dude.
The focus on CTE is, in large parts, a scam. And using it to explain away the actions of pieces of shit is a by-product of this scam.

That is not to say that CTE it isn't real - it is very real and has very real horrible consequences. The scam is pretending we haven't always known that repeated brain trauma is bad for you. CTE is literally just what they renamed 'punch drunk' and research on it has existed for 100 years.

Yes, research puts more light on it, but the phenomenon itself has long been understood. The only thing 'new' is that lawyers have figured out how to monetize it.

The trade-off for pro contact sports has always been money/women/status/power now vs high chance of being a drooling moron later. Of course once you have transitioned into drooling moron mode, you might regret that you made that deal. But you'd be a liar if you say you didn't know you made it.

This is why fighter pay is so morally important. We are supposed to ensure that people who scramble their brains for our entertainment are at least well compensated as they are in other sports.
The focus on CTE is, in large parts, a scam. And using it to explain away the actions of pieces of shit is a by-product of this scam.

That is not to say that CTE it isn't real - it is very real and has very real horrible consequences. The scam is pretending we haven't always known that repeated brain trauma is bad for you. CTE is literally just what they renamed 'punch drunk' and research on it has existed for 100 years.

Yes, research puts more light on it, but the phenomenon itself has long been understood. The only thing 'new' is that lawyers have figured out how to monetize it.

The trade-off for pro contact sports has always been money/women/status/power now vs high chance of being a drooling moron later. Of course once you have transitioned into drooling moron mode, you might regret that you made that deal. But you'd be a liar if you say you didn't know you made it.

This is why fighter pay is so morally important. We are supposed to ensure that people who scramble their brains for our entertainment are at least well compensated as they are in other sports.
which is a scam, because there is no monetary value you can put on that level of health. to not support, is to not watch.
I get what you're saying, but he was just some guy trying to "live that life", despite having millions of dollars. He wasn't a Crip or a Blood, or whatever. He had no allegiance to any actual organized crime gang. He was basically akin to a guy who watched too many rap videos.
He wasnt trying dude he actually lived that life.
The reason he wasnt in a gang is because he had money.
which is a scam, because there is no monetary value you can put on that level of health. to not support, is to not watch.

Being a fight fan is being a degenerate, but there are levels of degeneracy.

Watching multimillionaires like Floyd and Pacman give each other CTE is not the same as watching Mandingo fights. Pretending that they are equivalent serves only to enable more exploitation.

As UFC fans we are little better than bumfights fans. Proper scumbag degenerates. We are watching an extraordinary level of exploitation - people putting their bodies through hell to not even make a living wage while filling the pockets of billionaires.

Many UFC fighters end up with nothing to show for it. Completely broke. A few more end up with some money, but basically the equivalent of what they could have earned with a regular job and without the CTE and other life-long injuries. Only a select few have earned enough money that could even begin to justify the tradeoff.

What we need in the sport is legal mandates ensuring a strong union, high pay, and lifelong health insurance. This would significantly reduce the exploitation involved and the moral culpability of fans, even if some level remains.
Being a fight fan is being a degenerate, but there are levels of degeneracy.

Watching multimillionaires like Floyd and Pacman give each other CTE is not the same as watching Mandingo fights. Pretending that they are equivalent serves only to enable more exploitation.

As UFC fans we are little better than bumfights fans. Proper scumbag degenerates. We are watching an extraordinary level of exploitation - people putting their bodies through hell to not even make a living wage while filling the pockets of billionaires.

Many UFC fighters end up with nothing to show for it. Completely broke. A few more end up with some money, but basically the equivalent of what they could have earned with a regular job and without the CTE and other life-long injuries. Only a select few have earned enough money that could even begin to justify the tradeoff.

What we need in the sport is legal mandates ensuring a strong union, high pay, and lifelong health insurance. This would significantly reduce the exploitation involved and the moral culpability of fans, even if some level remains.
great post, i agree. there should be some sort of post fight career health insurance AT THE LEAST. and i think it is doable, given the profits these companies make. it is the trade off though until then. we are actively supporting this and there is no way to combat it, besides not watching entirely. this is just higher skilled bum fights essentially. i feel bad for the cecuys, the spencer the king fishers, the baronis, yet here i am.
If CTE causes this damnnnnn Im screwed later in life.
I think the mature path is to recognize that people can indeed be ludicrous pieces of shit, and most of what happens in their lives is a by product of choices made, roads not taken, blah blah.

We can also recognize that severe trauma to the brain and atrophy of the frontal lobes accelerates terrible decisions through a complete lack of impulse control. Baroni and Hernandez were already on the way to hell, CTE just allowed them to take the service elevator straight down. Although, this is perhaps disingenuous because we have not had an autopsy on Baroni’s brain, assuming most of it has not leaked out of his ears already.