Poirier Chandler Scorecards and thoughts on the fight


Silver Belt
Platinum Member
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
It was in fact 1-1 going into the third round.

Struggling to see why people say that Poirier was "whining". He complained about the fish hook as it was happening, and then let it go until Joe asked him about it in the post fight interview.

Also-- he immediately made amends with Chandler and gave him respect. He said "Hey man. The truth is I was afraid to fight you. I was. But without fear there is no bravery."

In his last three fights he's dealt with marked, demonstrable cheating. He himself does not cheat. What the hell is there not to like about him?

Chandler blatantly cheated. Poirier has every right to give him shit for it. Poirier is tough as nails and has given us some great fights and moments over the years. It'll be a big loss when he hangs 'em up.
Poirer has become so seasoned. If the dude doesn't tap he doesn't get finished. In a fire fight he always seems to be able to weather the storm and come out on top

This dude. I don't think anyone is as good and sharp and bloodthirsty in chaotic striking situations. It's actually insane. You can just see the no quit mentality coming through. On the ground tho vs Khabib and Charles he was just outskilled.
I was actually shocked that it was as close as it was. Was expecting Poirier to spark him early. Chandler has heart but he clearly can't wrestle that hard without gassing himself out, which is why I suspect he hasn't wrestled that much in the octagon. Dude was on top for the entirety of round 2 and still looked tired as fuck in the 3rd.
This dude. I don't think anyone is as good and sharp and bloodthirsty in chaotic striking situations. It's actually insane. You can just see the no quit mentality coming through. On the ground tho vs Khabib and Charles he was just outskilled.
When he sees that someone is hurt, and he just moves in with that dead-eye look. Jesus
Chandler's fight with Gaethje was 1-1 (on 2 judges' cards) going into the 3rd as well

Chandler tried slams in both 3rd rounds and got reversed and lost the rest of the round because of the technical error he made in it
I thought it was clearly 1-1 going into the 3rd but Chandler had taken a lot more damage and the damage was wearing on him and he was fading. That smashed nose probably wasn't helping matters. Dude was probably struggling to breathe properly. Poirier smashed Chandler and hurt him badly in the round he won. Chandler largely won his round via ground control. His biggest moments in the fight came from going for an RNC by blatantly fish hooking and about a dozen GNP shots that were obviously illegal to the back of the head.

Ultimately, the better fighter won the fight.
Fish hook and blood spilled intentionally on Poirier's face.. I lost respect for Chandler who turned into the Bellator scum he is.
I’ll let ‘em know you lost respect for him.

He’s going to be devastated.
The most violent man isnt shaken by fish hooks. Chandler tried to street fight a street fighter and paid. Great fight though.

I want Porier vs Diaz
That fish hook was pretty inexcusable. The GNP wasn't terrible but should have been called and corrected. Not that it matters but Mike lost a bit of his shine for me. Won't change me tuning in and enjoying his fights but I'd be looking for blatent's if I was a ref and slap that point down fast.

Poirier did great work out there. He was one of my two flip picks as well, so he saved me from another X.

Great scrap!
I like Porier I’m just wondering how many failed title shots we are going to give him. He needs at least 2 more top 10 wins to be in the conversation again IMO.
Great fight, went about how I thought other than the finish. Chandler has never been sub’d before so Dustin doing that was unexpected and pretty impressive IMO.

A lot of people talked about how Chandler just needed to wrestle but it’s been obvious for awhile now that he doesn’t wrestle because his cardio can’t sustain it.