News Poirier trains 6 rounds of wrestling with a new guy every round. Is Khabib DONE?

Yeah it’s the first time he’s ever wrestled isn’t that crazy
Are you high? You think the difference in wrestling between Poirier and Khabib was just a month or two of training and making some minor adjustments? There's levels to this shit.
He needs to do the opposite of what McGregor did and ditch the attitude of being able to grapple with khabib. If (when) he gets taken down he needs to do everything he can to get back up as soon as possible. No patience, no waiting for an opening.
Are you high? You think the difference in wrestling between Poirier and Khabib was just a month or two of training and making some minor adjustments? There's levels to this shit.
Are you high? You think the difference in wrestling between Poirier and Khabib was just a month or two of training and making some minor adjustments? There's levels to this shit.
man your taking this way to serious relaxing dude have a toke
Cool but does he win all those rounds?
Why does it take being matched against a wrestler to improve your own wrestling? Why not train everything regularly to get better all around all the time. HAHAHAHA
Are his training partners as good as Khabib? Training with a new guy every round is common practice. The question is how good of wrestlers they are and do they mimic Khabib's style?
The problem is so is Khabib...and he’s been doing it for 30 years , sometimes with the odd bear here and there.
Are his training partners as good as Khabib? Training with a new guy every round is common practice. The question is how good of wrestlers they are and do they mimic Khabib's style?
I played tennis yesterday with a pro, today I’m a pro
what an unprecedented and innovative training technique. my god, how can anyone stop him
TS, you have to watch Khabib’s fights because Dustin doesn’t bring anything to the table that Khabib hasn’t dealt with
"I’m doing six rounds of grappling or something"

That little slip says a lot about his training. Ultimately it doesn't matter how many rounds of grappling he does, Poirier doesn't have the cardio to win this fight by decision and will likely gas after two rounds.
I mean it’s not like Dustin is the first person who thought training wrestling to get ready for Khabib would be a good idea
I have money on Dustin at +300. For these odds, I like his chances.

That little slip says a lot about his training. Ultimately it doesn't matter how many rounds of grappling he does, Poirier doesn't have the cardio to win this fight by decision and will likely gas after two rounds.
Why do you think he'll gas? He went 5 hard rounds in the Holloway fight without gassing.
Uh, no. You think Poirier is going to make up 30 years of wrestling in 1 training camp?

More then likely not, but it’s a positive sign that he’s busting his ass to give himself the best chance possible. Poirier is a game opponent in any fight and has a pretty solid chance should he be able to keep it standing.