Proposal seeks to lower blood alcohol limit to 0.05

.05 is getting silly.

That means the average person who has two glasses of wine through all of dinner is over the limit.

Agree.. there is also no real conclusive evidence that being at 0.05 makes someone more dangerous on the road. Nor is there a actual problem of 0.05 drivers causing accidents.

The "thinking" is that by lowering it to 0.05 you will get less actually drunk people "risking it." This may be true, but it shouldn't be how laws should work in a supposed "free" country.

Laws shouldn't be made for harmless actions as some form of social manipulation. If we want to discourage people driving at .08 or .1 than increase the penalties for those crimes.
Idk what the point would be. 0.05 isn’t much different than 0.08.

But it doesn’t matter. Anyone who has more than one drink and still drives, when we have cabs, Uber, Lyft, and just a general availability of options other than driving, is a fucking moron who gets what’s coming.
And without car dominant infrastructure they would not.

There was a time before cars. Once they started existing everything was built to accomodate them at which point people were stuck with. But it doesn't have to be that way. And once upon a time it wasn't that way.

Its kind of a scam because the reason cars became popular was as leisure vehicles taking people on joyous rides around the countryside. As more people did it it became less and less enjoyable and slowly morphed into something you needed to do opposed to something you wanted to.
Well yeah if things weren't how they are they'd be different lol. I wish we didn't have to congregate in population centers that are still 20 or 30 miles from everything but I'm not in charge.

I have a nearly 50 mile round trip commute to work. Most things are about a twenty minute drive away unless you live downtown, which I unfortunately do.

So I don't have to drive far on the weekends and could ALMOST get by without a car but most people have to have one for work.
Pilled out driving is way more dangerous but we wouldn't be america if we didn't prescribe meds to everyone. I'm much more scared of pilled out Zombies. .05 is nothing seems like a ploy to keep people indoors.
Japan has pretty draconian laws. Plus almost no diversity and a society who obey laws. They obey the law period.
Yep...Its almost 100 percent homogeneous and it always seems thats the main factor when people are describing their utopias....but usually they don't even know it.
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I want to know how many accidents are caused by people who are between .05 and .08.

My guess is that it's not many.

Because those are the only accidents that might be avoided by enacting this law.

I think it's more a case of making people more concerned about drinking and driving. As I mentioned, because I hold a commercial license the legal limit is .04 for me. That pretty much means no drinking and driving which is what they would like. Unfortunately only the people that they need to stop drinking and driving won't. Many people are too drunk to realize that they are too drunk to drive.

I found this in an article but I don' know if I believe it.
How many drinks is 0.05 blood alcohol level?

A 0.05 illegal BAC is not typically reached with a couple of beers after work or with a glass of wine or two with dinner. It takes at least four drinks for an average 170-pound male to exceed 0.05 BAC in 2 hours on an empty stomach (three drinks for a 137-pound female).
It's Utah, I'm sure it's a way to enforce their Mormon beliefs on everyone. Same reason alcohol can't be sold on Sundays. They just want to make it harder for people to enjoy alcohol.

I never understood the not selling alcohol on Sundays. You just buy enough on Saturday to get through Sunday. Minnesota didn't allow sales on Sunday until recently. The Wisconsin bars and liquor stores near the Minnesota border sold a lot to Minnesota residents on Sundays. The city near me didn't allow sales until noon on Sunday so the stores and bars just outside the city limits were busy.
Pilled out driving is way more dangerous but we wouldn't be america if we didn't prescribe meds to everyone. I'm much more scared of pilled out Zombies. .05 is nothing seems like a ploy to keep people indoors.

People also combine pills and alcohol along with cell phone use. Pot being legalized also adds to the mix.

There are also a large number of people who are just bad drivers when sober.
1 beer an hour is what need to know. Stick that when driving an u ok
That awesomely coincides with Uber and Lyft pulling out of Minneapolis next month because of new ordinance demanding better wages. Super cool.
It should be 0 and lifetime in prison if caught

DUIers are scum of the earth
It should not be 0 because natural level is not exactly 0 and cops would abuse that.

However if someone is seriously drunk and drives, it is a hazard and DUI'er absolutely should be punished with something serious.

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