Protech Mouthguard review *pics*

I had a fairly similar experience with my mouthguard. It took me forever to get it (several months), but now that I have it it's so much better than the boil and bite mouthguard I was using.

I got the fusion in camo and it fit perfectly with no adjustments needed. Very comfortable, too - a couple days ago after sparring I made it half way through my abs workout and then realized that I still had it in.

I like mine enough that I'm thinking of getting my wife one for Christmas. But, given my first experience I think I should put an order in now.
ong_crack said:
I had a fairly similar experience with my mouthguard. It took me forever to get it (several months), but now that I have it it's so much better than the boil and bite mouthguard I was using.

I got the fusion in camo and it fit perfectly with no adjustments needed. Very comfortable, too - a couple days ago after sparring I made it half way through my abs workout and then realized that I still had it in.

I like mine enough that I'm thinking of getting my wife one for Christmas. But, given my first experience I think I should put an order in now.

Tom is staffed and caught up so I think the few of us who had to wait are going to be the last, till he gets even bigger that is :wink:
Adino said:
Tom is staffed and caught up so I think the few of us who had to wait are going to be the last, till he gets even bigger that is :wink:

I will admit it is hard to keep up sometimes. It's not so much the orders but the time spent on each guard. Most important to me is that each guard be the best it can be and that means if it has to be remade in order to do that we will. I know the time can be frustrating waiting for your mouthguard but so far ( knock on wood ) the only real complaint has been time. We give our all to make the best and would rather be late than just another mouthguard company pawning off average mouthguards and then calling them the best.

I've been making guards for going on 11 years now. I will only get better and as I train the technicians to follow my footsteps so will they. Customer satisfaction can not always be met in a timely fashion but the product will always speak for itself it is made the best that it can be.


Thank you for the review and the feedback
I just talked myself into putting up the money for a custom mouthguard. Of course I went with protech. From what I hear on the boards I made a smart decision. I'm like a kid waiting for christmas morning i'm so excited.
The website doesn't work anymore (sorry to bring this old thread to the top) But how can I get a kit ? Whats the turn around like ?
Sadly you should be looking for another company for your custom guard. Check the G&E section for ideas. I think Unbreakable and a few other companies are making some good guards.
I actually got mine a couple weeks ago. I think it may have to do with the fact that I was one of the few that hadn't reported them to paypal.
^^^^ Dude you are either the luckiest mofo on earth or a troll. Of everyone here, you're the only one to get a guard from Protech in MONTHS. While the PayPal thing might have something to do with it, I don't see how Tom can hold a grudge for a complaint when he's taken 6+ months to deliver a guard, and refuses to answer a phone or email regarding the subject.
I don't think I'm really that lucky since I had to buy another $100 mouthguard (with more protection) knowing that I probably would never see the protech. I don't really need it anymore.
I'll see if I can get some info from Tom. If I hear from him I'll let you guys and gals know.
I don;t know about your experiance but my custom opro is great. Granded I have enver tried any other brand of guard but i am more than happy with my opro
Just adding to this thread in case the protech guy ever pops up again: DO NOT GET A GUARD THAT IS IN ANY WAY AFFILIATED WITH PROTECH

This experience has been unbelievably terrible.

Spent more than I ever thought I would on a custom mouthpiece, which would be fine if I got my money's worth at least.

FINALLY shipped out my guard almost 3 months after my card was charged. Got the customer service run around for weeks, abhorrent service.

Mouth piece got there, was ok for a week, then the problems started happening.

I went for silver teeth, which turned out to be a little piece of tin foil inserted into a clear mouthguard. Not really worth the extreme premium, but it looked ok and the guard fit perfectly & was sturdy as hell. The foil started to warp from being bitten down on shortly after.

About a month in, I realized how cheaply the "custom design" had been made. Whatever sealant there was on the slot the foil was inserted in apparently dissolved, so my saliva was getting trapped inside the guard. I emailed Tom and by this time he had disappeared.

I lived with the annoyance since I had paid so much for the guard and it really seemed indestructible, but lo and behold, I took a month break and moisture in the guard had caused it to go green and moldy.

The two year warranty or whatever it was isn't sh*t if the company goes under, obviously. So now I'm shopping around for a new guard. My season starts soon and I am probably going to have to go for a boil and bite for the majority of it, I am definitely not dropping that much money on a mouth guard again.

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