PVZ in SI swimsuit issue

If you haven't had sex with hotter broads than this I feel sorry for you large majority of sherdog population.
I don't like fat bitches with fake tits but probably still would, much to her disappointment.
Nobody will change that loads of people without worthwhile filters (especially those who are anonymous) will go out of their way to put down others instead of focusing their energies onto more noble pursuits.

If you go out of your way to swear you wouldn't go at it with her, you're clearly not really into women, and most definitely prefer to shit on them instead of do anything productive. You almost certainly never had sex either if you'll only admit that you'd sleep with the likes of Gal Gadot and those who are somehow even more beautiful than fucking Wonder Woman.

People can like different kinds of people, but I'm not talking about pursuing a relationship, nor am I talking about regular people.

She's hot, and there's hotter, but nothing changes how sad, angry, and straight up weird the hypercritical come across.
It really isn't that hard. You're talking to a 40 year-old that's been married for nearly decade and a half...I have to trick my wife into sex at this stage in our relationship, haha.
It usually starts with "we will just cuddle, I know you're tired and want to sleep". 15 seconds later she is like "heyyyyyyy you said we're just cuddling...... What's that?!"
Is this the same PVZ who wrote a book that she tried to sell on the basis of some random dude doing unwanted sexual things to her at a party when she was 16, right before her decision to get balloons bolted to her chest so more guys would jerk off to her before posing for a swimsuit issue? And didn't she once publicly say she'd shave her head for cancer awareness or something but never did?

Seriously, she contradicts herself so much I get confused keeping track.
Is this the same PVZ who wrote a book that she tried to sell on the basis of some random dude doing unwanted sexual things to her at a party when she was 16, right before her decision to get balloons bolted to her chest so more guys would jerk off to her before posing for a swimsuit issue? And didn't she once publicly say she'd shave her head for cancer awareness or something but never did?

Seriously, she contradicts herself so much I get confused keeping track.

What are you talking about you sorry little bellend? She was violently gangraped when she was 14 and she’s now 25 making the conscious choice to earn some money and garner some attention whilst she’s not fighting. She’s also married. Nobody cares about you, your party cocktail sausage or what magazine you’re stuck jerking off to.
Face 5
Body 8
Personality 5


Overall 6

Ahh like clockwork in a PVZ thread the Shergins out in full force acting like they wouldnt be up to their nuts in guts with Paige given the chance.

6 is a respectable score but shes at least a 7
Ahh like clockwork in a PVZ thread the Shergins out in full force acting like they wouldnt be up to their nuts in guts with Paige given the chance.

6 is a respectable score but shes at least a 7

