Locked PWD 1151: Tiffany Epiphany Down Under

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Not messing around tonight. Giving us PLE smackdown
Thick Bayley bless

Bayley has been screwed over yet again!
Jeeeezuzzz that Rock/Bloodline segment was phenomenal!!!!

I was goosebumps entire segment.

The E has been solid as hell for about 3 years now and it is so fn good right now. I’m not a punk fan, but it was disappointing to see his momentum go to shit, good job to Drew keeping that alive, but notice it hasn’t changed a thing. This mania season is fucking nuts
Was kinda hoping Dakota would stay out of Damage CTRL. DC seems better when it’s all Japanese
Randy vs Austin is a dream main event
I woukda waited for Mania for that turn........Russo would've.
I hoping this is a plan from Bayley to get them to think Dakota is with them only to have her turn and help Bayley win at WM
Yeah but this is likely what they’re doing with Rock. AEW has cornered the market on running the same storyline at the same time in multiple angles.
Jade Cargill gonna back up Bayley?
Xyonn Quinn is sill employed.
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