Locked PWD 1161: Get Well Soon, Mami

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I don't know who this is but the fact that she's hidden on ROH shows that Tony really doesn't care about making money.
She was in the Mae Young Classic but she was so lost that they called an audible mid-match and had her job when she was supposed to go over.
Bought one of these fresh made pepperoni pizza gimmicks from the Walmart earlier, you gotta bake it yourself
Its kinda bland, had to spice it up a bit with parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes and Tabasco, but an XL for 8 bucks, you cant beat that with a bat

That's a bop but it seems more like a fighting game stage music than a walkout theme.
Which is why it's perfect for the hottest Japanese sensation to ever hit this country!
She was in the Mae Young Classic but she was so lost that they called an audible mid-match and had her job when she was supposed to go over.

MY Business doesn't need anymore ugly chicks either. With all due respect!

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@Pliny Pete Of course I've read the Great Outdoors script. The original beat in the 96er scene is that Roman's card gets declined after he's promised to take the family out for dinner. So Chet did not bring his wallet. Roman has a brief confrontation with the big chef that he can't pay for the meal. That's when Roman hatches the scheme that Chet should eat the old 96er to get it all for free. That's why the chef is so antagonistic to Chet while eating the steak and makes him eat all the fat and gristle to truly be finished. I've always thought it's weird in the movie that he's such an asshole for seemingly no reason.

Then the gag from Roman when they leave is "Turns out they accept checks, I could've just bought the whole place if I wanted to! Thanks for choking that down though, Ripley AHA!"
I always loved the line from that movie- “wait a hot shit minute!” Lol
I was hoping you meant my favorite Nitro Girl, Fire



I get the sense that some of those women played their parts fast and loose, if you catch my drift, instead of the Nitro Girls maybe they shoulda been called the Good Time Girls, if you get my meaning, not sure you'd wanna take one home to mom, if you know what Im saying...
I get the sense that some of those women played their parts fast and loose, if you catch my drift, instead of the Nitro Girls maybe they shoulda been called the Good Time Girls, if you get my meaning, not sure you'd wanna take one home to mom, if you know what Im saying...
I would've taken Chae home tbh.
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