Locked PWD 1161: Get Well Soon, Mami

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I'm not watching but



America has been attacked!
Tama hit that motherfucker with a car! Allegedly
Why is Carlito wrestling on my TV in 2024?
Try turning down the hard coat to that dude
He would Tongan death grip me into financing at a savage interest rate and there wouldn’t be shit I could do about it.
Welp Shaw just crapped out on me again.....almost like my satellite provider doesn't want me to enjoy some rasslin. <WhitmanDefeat>
Tune in Wednesday and maybe @bigTone will have the riveting footage
Well, 8 months from now. Someone who loses tomorrow will blame being worried about Owens. Here's the footage. Ladder match
I get the sense that some of those women played their parts fast and loose, if you catch my drift, instead of the Nitro Girls maybe they shoulda been called the Good Time Girls, if you get my meaning, not sure you'd wanna take one home to mom, if you know what Im saying...
Good enough for the Heartbreak Goat.
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