Locked PWD 1165: F'n Turtlenecks

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He can always show up as #29 in next year's rumble
It won't be the same though since Gunther is no longer the undefeated and longest reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight champion of the world.

@Stargazer Rex October
Roxie had an AMAZING day today, not only did I take off her security vest, I took her OFF LEASH completely
She got to roam around all day long in a big ass private park with nature and trees and hills and livestock and all kinds of fun new stimulation for a pooch
I had a roughly 15 or 20 foot leash tied to her but she kept getting tangled around the gazebo polls or the benches or whatever as she kept trying to join in all the fun activities the kids were doing like volleyball and kite flying and what not
Finally, I said screw it, we're tucked away in the hills and we got about 30 kids here, worse case, if she bolts I'll make a fun game of it and put a 20 dollar bounty on her head and let the kids track her through the field
I let her loose and she was ecstatic, running and jumping and zooming all over the place but returned instantly when called
She spent the next 8 hours meeting several generations of family and lifelong friends from 70 year old grandmas to 7 month old puppies and everyone in between
She was exploring hills, chasing kites, interfering with horse shoe games, causing a stir on the volleyball field and ate much more than her fair share of carne asada and birthday cake, she really enjoyed chasing all the toddlers and trying to steal all the pinata candy lol
She even made friends with a group of cows that came down from the hill to see what all the fuss was about
It was prolly a top 10 all time fun day for a dog
She had a blast and I enjoyed how much she was enjoying herself
Plus I had a great time at our mini family reunion, about 60-70 people there, saw some loved ones I havent seen in awhile and some great old friends that I dont see often enough anymore
It was a damn fine day, my bros, a damn fine day indeed
We just got home and she is out like a light already, stopped and got her a cheesebutger on the way home but she didnt even sniff it, just jumped on the couch as soon as we walked in and drifted off to dream land instantly
I love this pooch
Watching this Rock and Hogan Rivalries on A&E.......and ofcourse the Hulkster gotta embellish and say he had cracked ribs.......cmon man.....the real story was good enough......you don't gotta keep adding shit to it lol.
Now they showing Hogan in Montreal.....where he got a 10 minute standing ovation......legit, only Rocket Richard got that kind of standing ovation in that same building.
@My Spot they're talking about that really great match that Terry Funk and Eddie Guerrero had in WCW back in '89 on BTS this week, I hope they also talk about that amazing promo that Funk did after the match
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