Remember when Dan hardy called Marcus Davis a Fake Irishman?

The difference is that Adesanya is black and Du Plessis is white.

If Adesanya said this to a black guy, no one would have cared. But people are noticing the double standards and if De Plessis had said something racist back at Adesanya, he would have been drug through the mud by liberals and the media.

We are pretty much living in the special victim olympics.
Again, guys who look like Zuckerberg, Nardwuar and Musk cannot see these things objectively
No, I've not tbh, don't come on here that often anymore. But they're both African, so don't get what it's got to do with the "Irish" Handgrenade.
Certainly Izzy is the one trying to make it about ethnicity, so unless DDP has some backstory I'm not aware of then I can't see how any reasonable person could blame him for anything.
Wrong. It became about ethnicity race or nationality the second DDP took the “I’M the real African angle which is pretty dumb. Just be African and do you. By taking this silly angle against people who have in no way tried to claim to be living in Africa and the fact Africa is a dark skinned continent by vast majority any response he received was earned. Telling people how to react when some clown is playing Africa Pattycake when that really isn’t your thing is just dumb
You guys are making good points here.
It's a great example of how shitty MMA media can be. It's the bottom of the bottomest barrel.
Take this for example. Title is "Dricus du Plessis aims to first African-based, born and bred UFC champion" and quotes DDP as saying "I am going to be the first real African-born UFC champion"

Problem is, he prefaced his phrase with specific qualifiers on what he means when he said it, and he didn't say I'm going to be the first real African-born champ (the writer made that up), and he never used the word bred either. In the video, he prefaces the other champs saying
"Good on them, I'm not here hating on any of the guys that made a better life somewhere else, not at all. They're all African. That's their heritage and that's their right, 100%. But to say you're fighting out of Africa when you've been living in another country for your whole life, that's basically riding the train in my opinion. Like I said, it is their heritage and it is their right to say they're African. But for me, I just feel, and I feel the fans know and the people can feel it and see it and obviously the proof is there that- That's what I mean by 'I'm gonna be the first real African champ," is I live here, I was born here, I never lived anywhere else. This is my home, this is my home country, this is my home continent, and that's what I mean by that."

I mean, still could have used a PR rep combing over it, but he clearly set a qualifier. Now, ya can argue it's a dumb qualifier, or that he didn't need to set qualifiers and could just be happy with being a champ from Africa representing his land, cuz ya gotta know he's gonna sound like he's disqualifying other's "africaness" with those qualifiers. And people can definitely take issue with his "Have the belts been here?" thing which he was wrong about on all three fronts. And people can scratch their heads at the time he capslocked AFRICA in a tweet to Izzy. But the major fault of DDP getting shit on is how the MMA Media titles their bullshit
Yeah, but that's true though isn't it? Like the world's richest man is African, but no one calls Elon an African success story because he left when he was a teenager. If he'd started Tesla, SpaceX etc in Africa then things would be very different.
He did not start them anywhere, he bought them and demanded to be called the founder.
Learning from history is fantastic. Using it to create division when there’s no need for it isn’t.
No matter what DDP's intent was with his original comments, he started this thing. I know they're fighters and not publicists, but sometimes thinking first is helpful.
How does the difference between those situations need to be explained to you? Eve removing racial implications from the equation, it's not the same.

Well Elon didn't start Tesla and he was successful before he was born
Not really the point, is it?
The Izzy/DDP situation is more similar to when Leon Edwards said he is the first real British champ since Bisping lived and trained in California.
There's far more complicated politics and history going on with the criticism of DDP than there are with calling American wannabes fake Irish. This is a terrible comparison.

Lol. The only complication is Izzy has been in NZ since he was 10 and his dad is an accountant and his mom is a nurse. Not exactly the blood diamond miner that Francis was. The geopolitics of centuries of Africa has nothing to do with DDP or Izzy. Everyone crying about the continent we all came from needs to take a chill pill.
No matter what DDP's intent was with his original comments, he started this thing. I know they're fighters and not publicists, but sometimes thinking first is helpful.
I mean intent should always matter. Always. Now you can aknowledge that while the intent was good it can actually have a damaging result and one could use that moment to explain such things. But hey, fighting racism with racism will perhaps work out at some point. And defending this behavior will make sure that racism is here to stay! Here’s to keeping the anti dream alive.
Wrong. It became about ethnicity race or nationality the second DDP took the “I’M the real African angle which is pretty dumb. Just be African and do you. By taking this silly angle against people who have in no way tried to claim to be living in Africa and the fact Africa is a dark skinned continent by vast majority any response he received was earned. Telling people how to react when some clown is playing Africa Pattycake when that really isn’t your thing is just dumb
Who cares what the majority skin colour is? He's fighting out of Africa, the others aren't. Maybe he could have worded it better but that's just a fact.
I myself am second generation Irish, my grandparents from both sides came over. I however would never consider myself anything other then Irish American. I think the OP point is while izzy was born there, Dricus has lived in South Africa all his life. Izzy moved to New Zealand for whatever reason. This is all a moot point as Africa is a Continent not a country and it is incredibly diverse. Think of Egypt and Tunisa.
I still don't get the comparison, but otherwise agree.
Would you call Elon Africa's Richest Man?
Semantically? No. I'd certainly call him African. And I'd easily say he's the richest man from Africa. "Africa's" is possessive and implies present tense. And I wouldn't categorize significant wealth leading to uber wealth in a system of largely unregulated capitalism a "success story," some that's not really what that phrase is intended for
Would you call Elon Africa's Richest Man?
If that’s what he identified as and/or proudly born, lived, and created his wealth while being in Africa. I guess that’s up to him. Would you call Izzy the dominant Chinese fighter in the ufc?
We really needed another thread on this?
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With a name like davis he probably isn’t very Irish, I doubt most self proclaimed Irish Americans are even 50 percent Irish descent, meanwhile dricus can very likely trace his ancestors back to the first Dutch settlers in the cape colony, so like, almost 300 years they’ve been in South Africa
With a name like davis he probably isn’t very Irish, I doubt most self proclaimed Irish Americans are even 50 percent Irish descent, meanwhile dricus can very likely trace his ancestors back to the first Dutch settlers in the cape colony, so like, almost 300 years they’ve been in South Africa
Actually I’m wrong almost 400 years