Crime Sad stuff..shooting…

We've always had the guns and even less gun control than we have now. You could buy an AR15 and as many magazines and as much ammo as you could afford before 1968 and have it shipped directly to your home with no background check. Yet we would go entire years without a single mass shooting.

Without agreeing, what's your point?
The thing is most of our laws are made literally because we have to cater for the minority of idiots who can't use common sense and/or have mental problems. It's the exact same reason you're not allowed to drink and drive, there are speed limits on the roads, and all kinds of other controls and regulations. Just because there are some responsible gun owners doesn't mean it's safe for people to have guns.

Now I'm not saying it would have to happen over night, however for as long as you keep selling them it will remain a problem. Also there are different types of guns, I don't understand how, within you guys' arguments, you can have people with assault rifles for their so called "self protection". Wouldn't a hunting rifle or a handgun do the job? Why the need for all those semi automatic rifles to be sold to citizens?
Um, no, and you accidentally made a point against your own argument. Alcohol and cars are both still legal, and people are trusted to use them separately and responsibly, and punished if they don't. That would be close to your argument if they were trying to ban alcohol or cars, and they already tried alcohol prohibition, and surprise, it just made gangsters in charge of alcohol.

Lol at "some responsible gun owners". That's an odd way of wording nearly all legal gun owners.

All rifles are used in about 2% of the homicides. For reference, over 10% are knives, 4.5% are fists or feet, so trying confiscate the most useful self defense weapon obviously isn't based on trying to lower murder rates.
Um, no, and you accidentally made a point against your own argument. Alcohol and cars are both still legal, and people are trusted to use them separately and responsibly, and punished if they don't. That would be close to your argument if they were trying to ban alcohol or cars, and they already tried alcohol prohibition, and surprise, it just made gangsters in charge of alcohol.

Lol at "some responsible gun owners". That's an odd way of wording nearly all legal gun owners.

All rifles are used in about 2% of the homicides. For reference, over 10% are knives, 4.5% are fists or feet, so trying confiscate the most useful self defense weapon obviously isn't based on trying to lower murder rates.

You can site all kinds of logic and common sense, it will make no difference, you’re talking to a dumbass..
Um, no, and you accidentally made a point against your own argument. Alcohol and cars are both still legal, and people are trusted to use them separately and responsibly, and punished if they don't. That would be close to your argument if they were trying to ban alcohol or cars, and they already tried alcohol prohibition, and surprise, it just made gangsters in charge of alcohol.

Lol at "some responsible gun owners". That's an odd way of wording nearly all legal gun owners.

All rifles are used in about 2% of the homicides. For reference, over 10% are knives, 4.5% are fists or feet, so trying confiscate the most useful self defense weapon obviously isn't based on trying to lower murder rates.
"um" is

Do your facts equate to school slayings?
That's not a well formulated sentence. School slayings are included in those numbers, if that's what you're asking.
Um, sorry, um. Do you shake hands like a wet blanket in the way you try to shake someone's hand?
Lol, I use a knife probably 5 times a day. Do you hunt 5 times a day?

Again, I don't want guns banned. I'll get my license this time next year hopefully. An AR15 isn't something you have in the kitchen drawer.

What license are you talking about ?
I'm more likely to be struck by lightning than to be at the scene of a mass shooting.

That's not statistically accurate. 17 people were struck by lighting in the US in 2020 while 521 were shot dead and 2,541 injured in a mass shooting that same year.

But considering you're someone who said mass shootings aren't a problem while you have dozens of school children getting shot dead in their school, I can't expect much intellect there.
That's not statistically accurate. 17 people were struck by lighting in the US in 2020 while 521 were shot dead and 2,541 injured in a mass shooting that same year.

But considering you're someone who said mass shootings aren't a problem while you have dozens of school children getting shot dead in their school, I can't expect much intellect there.
It’s his go to talking point. I would just ignore it.
It’s his go to talking point. I would just ignore it.

I know it's probably just his figure of speech, but it just doesn't make sense considering the actual occurrence of mass shootings, even though he and the others in here like to downplay it.
That's not statistically accurate. 17 people were struck by lighting in the US in 2020
Wrong (as usual).

while 521 were shot dead and 2,541 injured in a mass shooting that same year.
You know that same source means a majority of mass shooters are black males, right?

Lol, I use a knife probably 5 times a day. Do you hunt 5 times a day?

Again, I don't want guns banned. I'll get my license this time next year hopefully. An AR15 isn't something you have in the kitchen drawer.
What license are you referring to?