Social Sarah Silverman calls out lack of Jewish representation in Hollywood

She's joking... Right?

She has a point there is "Jew face"

Like Black Face quite often in Hollywood

Also there is no Orthodox Jewish representation because they see Hollywood for what it largelly is which is garbage, filled with people who promote what all religions are against.

their mo is promoting mass immigration into european countries while making sure their own country remains a jewish homogenous country


People say this all the time but the Jews like Muslims and Christians and blacks are not a single minded homogenous group. These in the above pic I promise you arent Israelis or let alone the typical Jew found in Israel
Inb4 someone posts that meme of the kid with a skeptical look on his face, with the caption "so you're telling me Jews are underrepresented in Hollywood".
Honestly, I can't think of another actress that would absolutely kill in the role the way Hahn would.
I don't care for her but she sort of has a point. When it comes to Jewish representation there's no shortage of roles for the awkward, homely Jewish male. Think of every character that Woody Allen or Adam Sandler portray in their movies. But notice they're rarely, if ever, paired with a Jewish chick and instead its almost always a conventionally attractive white woman. You something similar with South Asian dudes, there aren't as many roles for them historically when compared to male Jews but the few times they can get on screen and make their own stories they have no interest being opposite a South Asian actress.

Jewish actresses who make it are usually women who can play the role of conventionally attractive white woman, think someone like Natalie Portman, Gal Gadot, or Scarlett Johansson. Technically there is no shortage of Jewish actresses but for the most famous ones their image in the industry doesn't really fit with the kind of role that the typical biopic of a Jewish woman calls for. Could you really cast women like Portman or Johansson to play homely old bags like RBG or Joan Rivers? So you'd imagine that they could then cast more visibly Jewish actresses but for some reason they don't.

I actually think its a testament to how integrated Jews are in American society, we see them as more or less interchangeable with white gentiles. So Jews play gentiles and gentiles play Jews and the vast majority of us see little issue.