Elections Sherdog dems, would you vote for Gavin Newsome?

1. If it's between Trump and Newsome, who do you vote for and why?

2. What do you think of him as a candidate in general?

3. How would you rate his work in San Fran and California?

3. Who would you vote for between:

a. Newsome vs. Vivek

b. Newsome vs. Haley

c. Newsome vs. Desantis

This is your thread, I'm not gonna give anyone shit here for anything, but please share what you think.

LOL at the left. They would vote for any one that would destroy America as quickly as possible like that crazy clown woman Michelle Wu. Absolutely sad and hilarious at the same time.
1. If it's between Trump and Newsome, who do you vote for and why?

2. What do you think of him as a candidate in general?

3. How would you rate his work in San Fran and California?

3. Who would you vote for between:

a. Newsome vs. Vivek

b. Newsome vs. Haley

c. Newsome vs. Desantis

This is your thread, I'm not gonna give anyone shit here for anything, but please share what you think.
Newsom is a gun grabber I voted to recall him during his recall election. It is pretty wild that a guy who faced a recall would be allowed to run for president. It is also disturbing how buddy buddy he is with china.
Trump is going to be the nominee, interesting seeing all the folks talking about Desantis.

Y'all are clueless ... As if...
Has anyone seen the whole Bill Maher stance on him? I think most Liberals see him the same way he does. Great looking and sounding guy for President...who is also damn near impossible to defend on substance. His state is a mess, that is only defended by the super rich who have the means to not deal with the effects of his policies, and love "their" California.
It's very simple.

If a Republican was truly running on and had already been working to implement Eisenhower's policies and platform I'd proudly vote for them.

Drain the bloat and the lobbying power of the military industrial complex, regulate big businesses instead of deregulating them, support worker's rights, and invest in public STEM education because it will directly impact the future prosperity of the nation.

Teddy Roosevelt would be another Republican I'd vote for, but again it would be on the basis of protecting the environment, funding national parks, regulating big businesses, etc.

I have not seen a post Southern Strategy Republican candidate whose platform appeals to me.

I'm not a fan of Newsom at all, and I'd vote for him in a heartbeat over anyone in that clown car that is Desantis/Vivek/Niki.
You should run for office.
If he has a different view that the current candidates that just want to send blank checks to Israel, sure. If he is all about letting Israel do what they want to do while we pay for it, I'd rather vote for Mary Carey
Well im a registered republican. Newsom though seems to have the proper demeanor to be presidential.


Tough on crime Gavin is a brand shift
Not really. Crime went up around in the country in 2020, and as soon as the data was in showing that (2021), Newsom has been pushing similar initiatives. His approach has always been effectively tough on crime (i.e., not just reducing civil liberties in ways that don't actually reduce crime).
Not really. Crime went up around in the country in 2020, and as soon as the data was in showing that (2021), Newsom has been pushing similar initiatives. His approach has always been effectively tough on crime (i.e., not just reducing civil liberties in ways that don't actually reduce crime).
I would say it’s a good thing he’s doing something about it now though.

*He reduces civil liberties through attacking legal gun owners with his AG Rob Bonta at literally every turn though.
PG&E bills are outrageous. LoL. 900 dollar electricity bills.
Newsom over all of those chuds, but I'd have to seriously consider Haley, and I would have picked Christie over Newsom too.

Every free store incursions up to $999 may not assure Newsome's re-election.

Small business owners, democrat or not, probably want to eliminate thefts that were made legal and allowed Newsome to claim "I Reduced Crime".
If you haven't seen videos of one criminal using a calculator while other criminals bring store items and add them up to assure they can all leave with their bounty assuring "legal theft" - it's only because MSM hides them.
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Nothing new, though. People just lie about normal policy and results.
If they decided crime was out of control and chose to utilize the resources available to him as Governor; that’s a net positive as far as I’m concerned. 71 arrest in such a short period sounds like good numbers. It is often cited a small group of repeat offenders are the drivers of crime in a given area.
Maybe having these folks off the street can start to out a dent in that.

Per your comment and per the article above

In a statement, Governor Newsom said:

"Through coordinated efforts with local partners and increased deployment, CHP is making a difference and making Oakland and the East Bay safer. We're sending a clear message: crime will not go unchecked in Oakland and East Bay neighborhoods."