Sherdog did not do ok on web redesign

I see enhanced functionality and an improved UI for the most part with disruptive ads. Long term this will be an improvement - more adjustments probably coming.
Might need some time, but it’s pretty laggy. Crashed in the PBP thread and it’s fun watching the words appears 10 seconds after I type them out. Time heals all wounds as they say
We went thought the EXACT same thing the last time they upgraded from BB code.

People said the new design sucks... now people want that design back.

People just don't like change. is Normal


I can't remember the BB format, but this is objectively bad. Maybe the BB format was bad too, but that doesn't make this good
iv hated every update at first, then went on to understand and accept it.

some of this is kind of weird and it feels like cramming stuff no one asked for or wanted. weird changes on us the users end and it seems like a pain for the programmers.
Do you mean a reddit layout? Because I really don't want that. Sherdog is one of the best surviving forums so to some extent it's a matter of don't fix what's not broke. The previous layout was fine. With this layout it seems like the text is just too small or something.
I'm not a fan of how Reddit organizes it's forums either.

The text here is indeed too small, text fields are way too wide for modern monitors. Have to move my head just to read sentences. More modern forums tend to make the text area less wide and center it. In general have always felt the Sherdog color scheme is trashy, but I get why they don't want to change their 'brand'. Personally prefer a more minimalist / sleek look.
I need an Eagle eye transplant to get used to the default text size unzoomed. It would be nice to get the message section to fill out the whole screen instead of having all that dead space to the right as well. I personally never use the "members online, latest post" and other stuff that is causing the dead space.
I love it. I particularly like the cluttered look and emoticon labels because without them I would be lost.
Ok. My eyes aren't as bothered anymore. This can work.

Have to say it's a little weird, like the post reply button, that was on the left before right? Because that's where I keep dragging my mouse. Noticed a couple of other things like that where the placement has switched sides. Changes like that really make zero sense, but give it a week or so and it'll become normal obviously.
The new reactions you can give instead of likes have huge trolling potential, so I changed my mind. I like it.
But the new font and layout is gay