Television Shogun

I want more, Especially with Ochiba. Why did she chose to switch sides? Why was she kinda embarrassed about being engaged to Ishido? Who’s her son’s father?What was the point of her having that big of a hate hard on if we didn’t get to understand why
I assumed she switched sides because she had a deep bond with Mariko from childhood and knew Ishido essentially had her killed, and then he didn’t give a shit about giving her a proper funeral/honoring. In terms of her being embarrassed about being engaged to Ishido, they did mention he didn’t have a strong family lineage and her being the daughter of a ruler it probably looks embarrassing that she would end up with someone without a great lineage. Toranaga had her father killed I believe and that’s why she was salty
By the way, it seems Hitomatsu's "fake" seppuku (which doesn't happen in the book) was utterly pointless.
Part of it was heir's momma was Mariko's childhood buddy, kept saying Mariko always did things perfectly, was probably moved by Mariko showing some massive balls defying the ban on leaving w/o a permit and going as far as physically fighting off the guards a bit, the old lady telling heir's momma quit playing games, seeing Mariko is the one with the principles and character while she's having sexual relations with whoever currently has the power, but the main thing was probably Mariko's drop the mic dunk on your head poetry line.
It was a good show. Was expecting an all out battle at the end (thought it would go 12 episodes), but it is what it is.
By the way, it seems Hitomatsu's "fake" seppuku (which doesn't happen in the book) was utterly pointless.
Exactly this. At best you can argue they wanted to look defeated in order for Ishido to allow Mariko in? Weak.

That amount of sacrifice and drama would only be worth it for a "twist" like the brother being into it and suddenly joining Toronaga once they reach Osaka.

What we got was not a worthy payoff. I was loving the series until the last episode.
I thought it was a miniseries but the ending appears that it wasnt resolved and that there may be a second season. Is this true because I never read the books?
They better bring back Fuji back in season 2 (preferably as a bad-ass warrior nun).
Season 2 should be TV-MA late night naughty adventures of Kiku the naked ho finest of the town. Yuka Kouri should get more naked acting role offers from this. Fuji can make a cameo if she does career change and becomes a naked ho too.
I thought it was a miniseries but the ending appears that it wasnt resolved and that there may be a second season. Is this true because I never read the books?
I just saw a few more articles saying 2nd season is unlikely even though they thought about how they could do it while still filming the first season and something like they have no guide for a 2nd season and even the author moved on to something else.
Pretty disappointed. Fantastic first few episodes, proceeded to get mired in sexual melodrama, ended with all the best characters killing themselves and nothing being resolved.
Pretty disappointed. Fantastic first few episodes, proceeded to get mired in sexual melodrama, ended with all the best characters killing themselves and nothing being resolved.
You had to read the subtitles. Of course it was resolved. The whole point of the show according to article quoting Hiroyuki was Toranaga was a leader who strived to bring lasting peace. Part of it was long game strategy, and part had to be luck like the heir's momma seeing the light and holding back the heir's army from the big fight and Ishido end up losing because of it being one vs. one where the other regents also stayed out of it.
Well that was a bit of a nosedive after the first few episodes. Meh.

Read the book, you guys. It's much better.
Agreed, the second two thirds of the season wasn't nearly as strong as the first 2-3 episodes. It got lost in the dynastic machination crap the same way Game of Thrones did, and too enamored with the superhero-like cleverness of its Shogun. It didn't realize what made it so gripping, early on, was the romantic tension between the translator and the Englishmen, the sense of discovery and confusion felt by a civilized man who is an alien in an equally sophisticated but strange land, and that none of these people really had a clue what the hell exactly was going on as all these empirical forces with divergent ambitions were colliding with East meeting West.

It definitely fell off.
Exactly this. At best you can argue they wanted to look defeated in order for Ishido to allow Mariko in? Weak.

That amount of sacrifice and drama would only be worth it for a "twist" like the brother being into it and suddenly joining Toronaga once they reach Osaka.

What we got was not a worthy payoff. I was loving the series until the last episode.

Yeah. Anticlimatic epilogue type finales are lame as f and I have no idea why anyone does it. Fargo season 2 was similar from what I remember.
The canons did nothing, season felt like they ran out of money and capped it 2 or 3 screen hours away from wrapping up the plotlines.
I'd rather they not blow the budget on massive battlefield battle or CGI cannon destruction, but use the money to motivate Kiku to go fully nude in more scenes. If they were smart, they'd spin off a Kiku show.
The article I saw said Hiroyuki signed a "if they bring it back" deal, so not necessarily back just yet.

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