
Painted style Mike template for anyone to use. It goes well with cartoon stuff too.


haha, love it bud and a quick story. Mike and I were chatting about that movie and I said he was the dude with the lunchbox full of dick drawings, so I shooped him as we were having one of our 'you're gay' 'no you're gay' shoop battles in our PM (these happened a lot :D) so Mike came back at me with a video and I just found it in our big PM the other day so you posting that shoop reminded me of our little back and forth about who is the gayest <45><45><45>

Here is Mike's video he made and it always cracks me up <Lmaoo> sound on

haha, love it bud and a quick story. Mike and I were chatting about that movie and I said he was the dude with the lunchbox full of dick drawings, so I shooped him as we were having one of our 'you're gay' 'no you're gay' shoop battles in our PM (these happened a lot :D) so Mike came back at me with a video and I just found it in our big PM the other day so you posting that shoop reminded me of our little back and forth about who is the gayest <45><45><45>

Here is Mike's video he made and it always cracks me up <Lmaoo> sound on

Hahaha this is quality mate, proper cracking up. I bet the "who is the gayest" battles in your PM's were better thana lot of the shoop threads at the time. I'm sure there were a lot of top quality shoops flying about.
haha, love it bud and a quick story. Mike and I were chatting about that movie and I said he was the dude with the lunchbox full of dick drawings, so I shooped him as we were having one of our 'you're gay' 'no you're gay' shoop battles in our PM (these happened a lot :D) so Mike came back at me with a video and I just found it in our big PM the other day so you posting that shoop reminded me of our little back and forth about who is the gayest <45><45><45>

Here is Mike's video he made and it always cracks me up <Lmaoo> sound on

Ha, great anecdote, mate!
Hahaha this is quality mate, proper cracking up. I bet the "who is the gayest" battles in your PM's were better thana lot of the shoop threads at the time. I'm sure there were a lot of top quality shoops flying about.

For sure bud, we used to go back and forth all the time, there has to be over a thousand shoops in that PM and most of them are just us making fun of each other.
Spoke to me. (that's not a shoop, THIS is a shoop!) :p
feel free to improvise.
Great shoop~
Very suiting & use of "Teh" gets extra cool points imo~ :D:cool:


Painted style Mike template for anyone to use. It goes well with cartoon stuff too.

Hell yeah bro~ Teh shoop waz AMAZING, but offering a template for cartoonz is next lebel my brotheh~ :cool:

Hahaha this is quality mate, proper cracking up. I bet the "who is the gayest" battles in your PM's were better thana lot of the shoop threads at the time. I'm sure there were a lot of top quality shoops flying about.
It's mind boogling to think about the amount of gifs & memes Mike made just to fook with us in a PM that nobody ever saw... and that's on top of rocking out millions of shoops to the public! :eek:

Here'z one he made just because I told him I was worn out from work & couldn't shoop for a bit. lol.

For sure bud, we used to go back and forth all the time, there has to be over a thousand shoops in that PM and most of them are just us making fun of each other.
We've alwayz joked about how our PM's could be shoop threads & how nobody would ever see even half the stuff we were victimized with. :D

of course we'd have our retorts...




  • shoop BWR Groovy working-hard.jpg
    shoop BWR Groovy working-hard.jpg
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  • Shoop-Mir-did-you-say-something.gif
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Did this one early on in the thread. Love that you added the text. <GinJuice>
View attachment 944614
Man it's so funny that you used the Snoop Dogg gif on a GODfather comment because Snoop Dogg has an album called 'The DOGfather' (DOGfather/GODfather) - the word "GOD" is the word "DOG" in reverse. Here's the album cover


But my comment wouldn't be respectable without doing a version of the album cover with Mike on it as SHOOP Dogg the Shoopfather, so here it is...

Man it's so funny that you used the Snoop Dogg gif on a GODfather comment because Snoop Dogg has an album called 'The DOGfather' (DOGfather/GODfather) - the word "GOD" is the word "DOG" in reverse. Here's the album cover


But my comment wouldn't be respectable without doing a version of the album cover with Mike on it as SHOOP Dogg the Shoopfather, so here it is...

Totally had this album back in the day. Snoop upside your head was the big track. Love it.