Crime Should LGBT Pride parades be 18+ only?

We had a few local ones that were fine. No BDSM fetishists or nudity. I wouldn't let any child near the one in the city. That is filled with freaks doing sexual things in public. I know the true gays hate that it has devolved into that because it makes them look bad. Not all gays walk around with ball gags and ass chaps, dragging each other with dog chains. If I were Gay I wouldn't want the drag queens anywhere near it either, they are two different things. One is a sexual preference; one is a sexual performance. Anyone that has their kid in a kissing booth should be jailed.
Free country.

Pride parade has sex shit in it. That's the parent's fault for bringing kids there.
Pretty sure there's laws about that. Can't we just have basic decency in the public forum?
Should we throw out laws that restrict showing porngraphy to children?
Public indecency is already illegal in most places, its just a matter of enforcement.

But if the behavior doesn't rise to that level then it's on the parents to control what their kids are exposed to.
Public indecency is already illegal in most places, its just a matter of enforcement.

But if the behavior doesn't rise to that level then it's on the parents to control what their kids are exposed to.
I think this kind of nails the issue.

Indecency would be enforced if it was at a bowling alley, but not at a pride parade.

I personally think it’s vile to bring children to these events, drag shows Etc, but it’s the parents perogative.

My issue is that the police don’t enforce the indecent exposure at these events.
Should we throw out laws that restrict showing porngraphy to children?

If a parent allows a child to access porn, that's their fault. You don't go banning all pornography because some kid accessed it.

Pretty sure there's laws about that. Can't we just have basic decency in the public forum?

There are a lot of public indecency laws in place.

But there are also places that allow a woman to go topless in public by law. Including New York City.
Like through magic?
Like a movie or other entertainment event, if they are going to have 18+ material, then they should have an 18+ crowd. If they are going to keep in PG-13, then they can invite who they want.
Democrats will claim it's genocide if you are wanting to stop them from having sex in front of young children. These people are truly sick.
I say this as someone who has been to drag shows probably a hundred or more times. I used to go to a club that had drag every week. It hasn't even been that long since I've been to one.

I'd never take my kid to that kind of environment. It is weird to want to.

My generous guess is that left leaning, pro LGBT people take their kids not knowing what they are getting into. Then they regret it, but they can't say anything about it to their social circle. It's like a secret fuck up, so there is a revolving door of well-meaning people that rotate through bringing their kids to that shit.

I don't know why people have to act so god damned stupid about every topic. Oh, you're Republican? Guess you better disown your gay son and advocate for owning vehicle mounted weapons. Oh, your a democrat? Better take your kids to see cock and balls.
The standup version of that bit by Norm MacDonald is fucking classic and yes he does it in SF. Sucks that he died.
The standup version of that bit by Norm MacDonald is fucking classic and yes he does it in SF. Sucks that he died.
What bit and who are you talking to?

And yes it does suck.
If a parent allows a child to access porn, that's their fault. You don't go banning all pornography because some kid accessed it.

I believe his point is that if you willingly exposed children to it, it would be illegal and you would have CPS on your ass.

That standard doesn't seem to be applied at Pride events with adult content.