Crime Six Dead and at least Eleven, including a nine-month-old baby, Injured after Mass Stabbing in Sydney Shopping Centre. Suspect shot dead by police.

I am seeing a number or sources cite it as a "Jewish" area but I obviously can't corroborate that and I am not from Australia.

Its a mall near Bondi Beach in Sydney Australia. Its not some small community on the outskirts, its like right there in the center of Australia's most populated city.
Shows how little I know, but its of an Australian team right?
Yeah, Rugby is more popular in NSW and Queensland, AFL the rest of the country.

I am seeing a number or sources cite it as a "Jewish" area but I obviously can't corroborate that and I am not from Australia.

"Concern about a terrorist attack spread quickly after news alerts about the incident because of the high proportion of Jewish Australians living in the area around the Westfield shopping centre in Bondi Junction in the eastern suburbs of Sydney"

I haven't heard anything about an Israeli restaurant, and Bondi has a Jewish community, but it's not even Sydney's largest (and there's only 120K resident Jews in all of Australia). Westfield malls are just the largest national chain. Mostly associated with the Coles Myer retail group.
You should just wait for the information after he's officially identified, but if the police explicitly said to a media conference they don't think it was ideologically motivated at this stage, they probably aren't bullshitting.
I haven't heard anything about an Israeli restaurant, and Bondi has a Jewish community, but it's not even Sydney's largest (and there's only 120K resident Jews in all of Australia). Westfield malls are just the largest national chain. Mostly associated with the Coles Myer retail group.
You should just wait for the information after he's officially identified, but if the police explicitly said to a media conference they don't think it was ideologically motivated at this stage, they probably aren't bullshitting.

Fair enough.

Easy to fall into shit headlines and I can apologize for my part in spreading fake information, not my intention.
Fair play to the fella who took the cunt on with the bollard thing. A 9 month old baby is in surgery! Shame the attacker died so quickly. R.I.P the victims

“Suspect known to the police” they are saying

I know what you mean, but let's just be thankful this piece of shit isn't part of this world anymore. Sooner the better in that score.
We all knew you were a moron, but you continue to leave no doubt whatsoever.
Yep..That's like saying Dave Chappelle doesn't look Black. But that Helden chick constantly says dumb shit even for dumb shit standards.
Yep..That's like saying Dave Chappelle doesn't look Black. But that Helden chick constantly says dumb shit even for dumb shit standards.

And yet you are always wrong and I'm always right. You contribute zero value to this forum, be gone pest
Yep..That's like saying Dave Chappelle doesn't look Black. But that Helden chick constantly says dumb shit even for dumb shit standards.

If it's not ideological, does his ethnicity matter? Turkish, Arabic, Jewish, is it important to try to pretend it was about this or that when by all accounts it wasn't ideology-driven?
We all knew you were a moron, but you continue to leave no doubt whatsoever.

Hey Tatra, remember that fail thread of yours? I remember, where you showed the forum what a low IQ clown you were?

Cope and seether loser
Spindly dudes exist in every ethnic group, literally some phrenology level bullshit
They sound really desperate at this point. It's pathetic and funny at the same time.
The attacker in Sydney hasn't been formally identified, but the police have stated they have a preliminary identification, the individual is known to them, and they don't believe there's any further threat or ideological motive.
The attackers are always known to law enforcement. If he turns out to be middle Eastern then we all know the ideological motive but they will just say he was crazy.
If it's not ideological, does his ethnicity matter? Turkish, Arabic, Jewish, is it important to try to pretend it was about this or that when by all accounts it wasn't ideology-driven?
To them, yes. It seems very important. Wonder why?
Have you been to the middle East? I have many times. They're spindly. As I said revisit my fucking post if he is not of middle Eastern descent. I will eat crow.
that is the most Eastern Bloc looking haircut I've ever seen in my life. Middle East would be my 2nd guess. But the dude legit looks like Niko from GTA IV. I've been to that part of Europe quite a few times and seen thousands of this guy getting around.
Afghani, Iraqi, Iranian, Syrian or Lebanese would be my next guess.
The attackers are always known to law enforcement. If he turns out to be middle Eastern then we all know the ideological motive but they will just say he was crazy.

Nah, they aren't usually shy about reporting on terrorism. We had more anti-terror legislation passed here in the wake of 911 than in either the US or UK. "Hyperlegislation".
He could be Lebanese, but then the majority of Lebanese immigrants to Australia were orthodox Christians. Also some of the highest profile Australian islamic terrorists have been converts without any Muslim background at all.
Maybe not an "average" schizophrenic, but there are plenty of mentally ill people who constantly have run ins with police and the local officers become familiar with them.
There must be something in the water of most middle Eastern countries that makes their mentally ill carry out random knife attacks often.
Hey Tatra, remember that fail thread of yours? I remember, where you showed the forum what a low IQ clown you were?

Cope and seether loser

Full steam ahead, I see.
