Sloppy Joes and Jack: Tales of a Carnivore

2 pm - 1 b-complex 150 pills, 3 amplified igniter 4x pills
230-430 pm training, drank 1.5 liters of water
6 pm - post WO shake (2 ounces water, 10 ounces 2% milk, banana, 5 tablespoons of reduced fat crunchy peanut butter, 3/4 cup of nonfat plain yogurt, 1 scoop of myoplex whey, 1 scoop of GNC AMP mass grainer)(no ice cream this time), 2 fish oil pills, 2 GNC amplified creatine 189 pills
I really have no idea. If I had to ballpark it I'd say on non-training days it's probably 2000-2750 and workout days probably 3000-4500. But those are very generalized guesses.

I know that on training days it's probably 750-1500 calories more due to my po-WO shakes. On Tuesdays and Thursday, my caloric intake is shit because I work from 8 am - 1030 pm and hardly ever cook enough to take with me and end up eating a couple of protein bars to try and reach surplus although I know it doesn't happen. I'm trying to rectify it starting this coming week.
My grocery list for today is
nuts, almonds
sweet potatoes
whole wheat pasta
olive oil
green peppers
green tea

I'm thinking this looks better than so far?

I managed to get everything on this list except nuts, green tea, avocadoes, and olive oil.
^ that shopping list looks MUCH better. BUT, you have to start preparing and eating those things.

In all due respect, your diet is pretty awful. Far too many protein bars/shakes etc. and just not enough real food. My guess is that you are not eating any where near as many calories as you assume. Secondly, most of your calories are coming from god awful food choices.

You need a LOT more dead animals, greens and quality fats. . . you also need a LOT less processed stuff/fast food. I seriously suggest that you start tracking you caloric intake in Fitday. My guess? you'll be extremely surprised at your macro nutrient breakdown.
last night
10 pm - chicken breast, oatmeal
1 am - 1.5 cups of low fat cottage cheese, 2 more fish oil capsules

12 pm - two cans of tuna, oatmeal
2 pm - protein shake (8 ounces 2% milk, scoop of whey, 3 strawberries, handful of blueberries)
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^ that shopping list looks MUCH better. BUT, you have to start preparing and eating those things.

In all due respect, your diet is pretty awful. Far too many protein bars/shakes etc. and just not enough real food. My guess is that you are not eating any where near as many calories as you assume. Secondly, most of your calories are coming from god awful food choices.

You need a LOT more dead animals, greens and quality fats. . . you also need a LOT less processed stuff/fast food. I seriously suggest that you start tracking you caloric intake in Fitday. My guess? you'll be extremely surprised at your macro nutrient breakdown.

I have a question about the part that I've bolded. Are you saying that the real food that I include in protein shakes isn't the same as eating it? For instance, in my po-WO shakes I include plenty of peanut butter, yogurt, and sometimes fruit. Isn't that the same as just eating the fruit?

I haven't done any veggie shakes yet but that was one way I planned on trying to increase my greens intake.
8 pm - 7 egg omelet with 2 slices of cheese, 3/4 cup of spinach, 4 baby carrots, and a chicken breast
1130 pm - can of tuna, 1 cup of cottage cheese, 1/4 cup of peanut butter
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I have a question about the part that I've bolded. Are you saying that the real food that I include in protein shakes isn't the same as eating it? For instance, in my po-WO shakes I include plenty of peanut butter, yogurt, and sometimes fruit. Isn't that the same as just eating the fruit?

I haven't done any veggie shakes yet but that was one way I planned on trying to increase my greens intake.

Good point, I was more aiming that at the protein bars. If you are including food into your PWO shakes then that is fine. Mixed berries are always a good bet, as is spinach - great for consistency and increasing greens intake.

Be aware though that liquid calories promote and increased insulin response and are easier to over consume. Only important if you are trying to lean out I guess!
11 am - can of tuna, protein shake (8 ounces 2% milk, scoop of whey, 3 strawberries, handful of blueberries), and tablespoon of olive oil
130 pm - 1.5 cups of broccoli and cauliflower, small chicken breast
230 pm - protein shake, just water, milk, and whey
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So if you're going to the grocery store to buy bacon and sauage, what's the best kind to get? I've never had a lot of bacon other than on hot dogs or ham burgers that I ordered with bacon so I'm in the dark. I'm trying not to get processed foods and just want the best health benefits while still being able to eat some bacon and sausage.
So if you're going to the grocery store to buy bacon and sauage, what's the best kind to get? I've never had a lot of bacon other than on hot dogs or ham burgers that I ordered with bacon so I'm in the dark. I'm trying not to get processed foods and just want the best health benefits while still being able to eat some bacon and sausage.

I'd try to help you out here but I'm British and everything is different.

You guys have shitty bacon and tiny sausages that you call links! lol :icon_twis

In all seriousness, I'd say just check the label. Sorry to be so bland!
230 pm - vitamin b complex
300 pm - muscle igniter 4x pre-WO pills
300-500 pm - training, drank 1.0 liter of water
630 pm - 2 table spoons of olive oil, a medium sweet potato, po-WO shake (2 ounces water, 10 ounces 2% milk, handful of dried apple slices, 5 tablespoons of reduced fat crunchy peanut butter, 3/4 cup of nonfat plain yogurt, 1 scoop of myoplex whey, 1 scoop of GNC AMP mass grainer), 2 creatine pills
last night
12 am - two 93/7 beef patties, 12 ounces of milk

7 am -can of tuna, (8 ounces 2% milk, scoop of whey, 3 strawberries, handful of blueberries)
So if you're going to the grocery store to buy bacon and sauage, what's the best kind to get?

If you can get to the store while the butcher is still there they often have awesome bratwurst sized sausages that are made on site. If you want to know whats in them ask, usually they have stickers/cards to hand out. Start reading lables. Many crap sausages are more starch than meat, be careful. For the bacon try to find something thats just pig parts, salt, and smoked (not liquid smoke).
I'd try to help you out here but I'm British and everything is different.

You guys have shitty bacon and tiny sausages that you call links! lol :icon_twis

In all seriousness, I'd say just check the label. Sorry to be so bland!

It's cool. Thanks for all help so far. I have taken to reading labels and I'm not sure what I should be looking for. I am use to just checking the fat, carbs, and protein content and not so much carrying about ingredients.
If you can get to the store while the butcher is still there they often have awesome bratwurst sized sausages that are made on site. If you want to know whats in them ask, usually they have stickers/cards to hand out. Start reading lables. Many crap sausages are more starch than meat, be careful. For the bacon try to find something thats just pig parts, salt, and smoked (not liquid smoke).

OK, thanks.

10 am - one 93/7 beef patty, one chicken breast, 1/2 cup of broccoli
1 pm - two 93/7 beef patties, 1 cup of broccoli and cauliflower
4 pm - 3 tablespoons of olive oil
8 pm - two 93/7 beef patties, 2 cups of broccoli and cauliflower
last night
12 am - 1/2 cup of peanut butter, protein shake

11 am - 5 egg omelet with cheese, beef, tomatoes, carrots, and spinach
Looking MUCH better than hot pockets and protein bars, broski.


230 pm - vitamin B complex, protein shake (8 ounces milk, 1 scoop of whey)
300 pm - 3 muscle igniter pills
300-500 pm - training, 1.5 liters of water
530 - 2 creatine pills, po-WO shake (8 ounces milk, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop mass builder, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 cup of yogurt, 2 strawberries, 5-6 tablespoons of peanut butter)