So whats next for Hendricks does he hold out?

Tough call. I would wait for a shot if I were him...but that's a long time without a fight.
if you think youre that bad and see yourself good enough to be the champ, just continue racking up wins and eventually you WILL be the champ. if you lose on the way, you probably arent the real champ anyways.

That's what I'm talking about keep fighting stop bitching you'll get your shot, money, and larger fan base.
Such bs that Diaz gets a title shot. Complete bs that it was a "contraversial" loss to Condit. Condit won fair and square with superior technique. Diaz didnt know how to adjust and had a temper tantrum afterwards saying he was going to retire.
Egos make grown men into bawling babies, fuck that.

Shame on whoever greenlit this matchup.
Hendrix probably wouldve been snubbed for a GSP vs Silva fight anyway.

Actually to be fair this is the PERFECT opportunity for Hendrix to start talking shit about Diaz, call him a crybaby call him an ego inflated jerk who is massively overrated, publicly humiliate him until the UFC changes the fight after all its all he deserves.

A title shot coming off a loss? the fuck?

Well hopefully Hendrix remains classy , doesnt talk shit and Diaz gets injured, Hendrix replaces him and gets his chance at GSP. That would be justice.

I know Chael got his shot but Chael is the only guy to beat up Anderson, it wasnt close rounds it was domination, Nick didnt even come close to dominating Condit, Chael also had quality wins at middleweight, Nick had a win over BJ Penn but aside from that? Chael is legitimately the best wrestler around in mma. Nick couldnt beat Condit, theres a pretty large difference to each opportunity how I see it.
You wouldnt see Chael throw his toys out of the pram and talk about retiring, when he lost to Anderson he took it like a man and remained classy.
No one has come close to giving Jones problems, no one has come close to having an answer for Chaels wrestling. Try saying the same thing about Nick.
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Taking on fights against guys who have nothing to lose when you have everything to lose doesn't sound like a good career move to me.
Saw a video of Condit and he looks healthy, why not him?
I think he should just pack it in and call it a career. His stomach was made to feel sick.
He should fight Condit. This waiting around shit does nothing for him. Dana already said he's in no position to demand anything. A win over Condit gets him a shot.
Dude needs to stop being a wuss and fight Marquardt.
Chuck Liddell could've sat out of UFC 40 and waited for his shot at Tito(which Tito later on tried to duck out of anyways), but he still fought Renato Sobral. I'm just saying...