So why are we not getting Sandhagen-O-malley?


Black Belt
Mar 28, 2019
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I mean fuck sakes, two hyper elite strikers the fight sells itself.

Nobody cares about chito and truth be told we BARELY care about Suga like that so what fucking gives? Chito-Suga is a fun apex main event but shit championship fight.

Is Dana intentionally trying to give Sean a lay up or something?
I personally feel that Sandhagen/O'Malley would've made much more sense given Vera's most recent loss to Sandhagen, but I get why they are going with Chito -- It's just the more marketable fight (sadly) and they probably wanna squeeze as much juice outta Sean while he's champ as they can. He may not be champ for very long and they probably want to capitalize. That's mmy 2 cents, but I know fuck all about UFC matchmaking these days.
Is Dana intentionally trying to give Sean a lay up or something?
Sean likes to think all his wins are fadeaway 3 pointers

Easier sell. Chito more well known I’d wager. Built in storyline about it being Sean’s only loss and some believe it had some controversy. It always comes down to money.
Sandhagen is injured.

Even if he were ready to go, people didn't like his last two performances, so that's the excuse to subvert their own rankings.

The real reason is that the UFC doesn't run like real sport, so their decisions are never going to make sense from that perspective.
All of these fighters with reason arguments as to why they should be next in line and O’Malley is talking super fight
Chito more well known than Corey Sandhagen?

I don't think so honestly.
i swear to the sherdogs i’m not trying to offend but… you might be socially retarded then.
Have you seen/heard both gentlmen?
I mean fuck sakes, two hyper elite strikers the fight sells itself.

Nobody cares about chito and truth be told we BARELY care about Suga like that so what fucking gives? Chito-Suga is a fun apex main event but shit championship fight.

Is Dana intentionally trying to give Sean a lay up or something?
Because too few paying customers care about Sandhagen, and we all know that's the real criteria.

Plus O'Malley clearly wanted a Chito rematch, and he does have leverage in this negotiation.
Cory said he didn't get an offer, but he's also been dealing with a tricep injury which the UFC have known about.
I don't even think he's ready to go into a training camp at this moment, the surgery required a long recovery period so he's probably gonna be out for a bit longer.

Sean couldn't just wait on the sidelines, that being said they could've definitely given it to Merab who's the most deserving out of the bunch and is ready.
The problem I have with Merab is him not being more forward with wanting a title shot and taking a backseat when Aljo was campaigning for a rematch which was never gonna happen/materialize.
Still he deserves it way, way more compared to Chito of all people lol.
Because they know that Cory is the better fighter.
There’s a reason that Chito is getting the first fight and not him or Merab.
Chito already beat O'Malley.
How can a champ be legitimate if the guy who last beat him and beat him easily is ranked a few spots beneath him?
Merab declined title-shots on 2 seperate occasions and there's still ppl who wanna hand him the third one, lmfaoo.

The fight is good, O'Malley will lose and we can finally get the division moving again because Chito loves to fight.
1. The UFC loves built-in storylines--it allows them to "market" a fight without actually having to do much promotional work.
2. It makes sense to squeeze an easily marketed title fight out of Chit, rather than losing the opportunity when Chito inevitably loses to another top 5 BW.
Cory can't get his story straight of whether he's a grappler or injured grappler.

So, Dana gonna give him some time to heal up or improve his story -- before he lets Sandbaggin' stink up another show.