Someone Explain This So Called Housing Crisis?

That shit is fishier than a cannery.
I'd suggest coming back in 5 years to see how things are making out, but seeing as you're 82 already....


Edit - sorry thought you're response was to my "incoming disaster" post. Didn't see it was for the Buddhists, lol. Yeah very odd story in PEI for sure.
You've got to be one of the biggest assholes on this site and I feel sorry for you. I think you are so toxic you can't even read or respond or discuss things in good faith. I'm having a friendly conversation with people and then you come in like some insane person. I can't even relate to it....

A person like you is not going to be conscious enough to understand how damaging that is to your life, but you are a source of toxicity in this world and I feel sorry for you for that. It must be very hard for you to be you.
Tell us again how the woke trans agenda is evil and then come at me over being an asshole.

Funny how defensive you get when you're wrong, this time like every other time we have this kind of interaction. When you know nothing about a topic, try asking questions instead of contradicting people, pretentious prick who sounds like he quit school in grade ten.
@Andy Capp

Honestly, please explain to me how it works when the resources are already spread as thin as possible, and the idea is to throw more heads at it. Tell me how this works. Tell me how you get a nation affected by apathy to deal with this incoming problem.

I've spoken at length for years about the big thing being missed in the West, is maintenance. And that became more clearer than ever with COVID and the fallout from that. Next 10 years is going to be brutal on the Maritimes imo.
In my small town(60 miles east Pittsburgh) in the last 3 or 4 years, many of the homes for sale were gobbled up by businesses out of Pittsburgh, and they paid top price for them. They are now renting them out.
@Andy Capp

Honestly, please explain to me how it works when the resources are already spread as thin as possible, and the idea is to throw more heads at it. Tell me how this works. Tell me how you get a nation affected by apathy to deal with this incoming problem.

I've spoken at length for years about the big thing being missed in the West, is maintenance. And that became more clearer than ever with COVID and the fallout from that. Next 10 years is going to be brutal on the Maritimes imo.
What resources are spread too thin when it comes to housing?
I dont understand this. Especially in our area a developer will buy a property , good house and good sized yard, bulldoze that bitch then fill it with 4 to 6 houses.

How in the fuckiscle do these houses cost 800k each (when the original house/land cost around 1.5mil) when you get fuck all land, can basically high five your neighbour through the windows and dont even have a space to park your car?

This infill housing is ruining our area and infrustrature cant keep up. Would be nice if the greedy fucks could just make regular 3 bedroom houses or even 2 bedroom units but everything is profit now.
Households in the US are shrinking so that we have Boomers in 3BR/2B houses that have empty rooms while others struggle to find places to rent affordably. If anything we have too many 3BR/2B houses.

The main issue is that the US has such car-centric design that adding density leads to traffic which leads to more roads which means more wasted land and more traffic and so on. The solution is to strongly incentivize new developments to be transit oriented so the increased population is funneled into public transit rather than put on the roads. Where I live its relatively sparsely populated and even here I see lines at stop signs as late as 07:00pm. Unacceptable.
What resources are spread too thin when it comes to housing?
In a way that is true since services like water, sewage, power, and roads are stretched across suburbia in a way that means much higher costs to service a smaller number of people.
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Tell us again how the woke trans agenda is evil and then come at me over being an asshole.

Funny how defensive you get when you're wrong, this time like every other time we have this kind of interaction. When you know nothing about a topic, try asking questions instead of contradicting people, pretentious prick who sounds like he quit school in grade ten.

You're anger and vitriol is so out of place that it was literally shocking to me. Interestingly, I had other conversations with people who hold your same opinions that were positive and productive. I'm not even sure we have much of a disagreement even..... strange that you seem totally incapable of civil intelligent discussion. emotionalism is a big problem with you.

I would say you could benefit greatly from just a little bit of kindness and open-mindedness and willingness to discuss rather than accuse and insult.

also @Andy Capp . I think lying is a sure sign that a person has no argument and is weak minded too. when you pretend this describes my position "woke trans agenda is evil" you are telling a direct lie. and carrying over subjects from other threads emotionally. I think this is counterproductive to intelligent conversation. you cant even accurately state my position on the issue of transgender people. you just have emotion and lying....

why not stop lying and slandering and deal with your emotionalism and then maybe we could have a civil conversation?
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What resources are spread too thin when it comes to housing?

The avenue to homebuilding. Economically. Whether it be through zoning problems, labor problems, logistics/availability. Investors, developers. All kinds of things being done as inefficiently as possible before shit hit the fan the last 3 years.

Throwing heads at situations that are already dire is a surefire way to put a nail in the coffin. Cart before the horse, as always with most "progressive" worldviews.
Why should your home be exempt from market forces? That's like arguing that there should be a limit on car production so that my brand new car holds its value better.

So you want to make housing even more expensive by increasing infrastructure costs to create new housing, and as a cherry on top, you want to make new housing purposefully less desirable by making sure it's in bumfuck and not near economic opportunities.

You might as well as have just said you want the government to tailor all of its policies to you the silly individual, and fuck the millions of other US citizens.

Most regulations that restirct supply are at the state and local level. See the lovely nimby above and you'll see why building housing is so hard.

We're talking about building apartment complexes in upper middle class neighborhoods. That's not going to do much to make housing cheaper. You want people to be able to afford their own homes. Not pay outrageous rent prices for the rest of their lives. Renting apartments in upper middle class areas just means you're over paying for a tiny piece of space that you'll never own. Not a good investment strategy.

Yeah if I own a home, I want it to keep its value. If you are a builder and you're looking to make millions of dollars while devaluing my home, I'm going to want to put a stop to that. Sorry but that's the market at work. Not only do I not want my home devalued, but I don't want to have to start worrying about people breaking into my vehicles and stealing in my neighborhood.

You do understand that part of it, right? Like I didn't make sound monetary decisions my whole life so I can "take one for the team" so venture capitalists can come in and get rich off of devaluing my home while bringing more riff raff in my neighborhood.
Tell us again how the woke trans agenda is evil and then come at me over being an asshole.

Funny how defensive you get when you're wrong, this time like every other time we have this kind of interaction. When you know nothing about a topic, try asking questions instead of contradicting people, pretentious prick who sounds like he quit school in grade ten.

Careful there, he's no p*ssy. He isn't afraid at all to take matters into his own hands against anyone who pays their rent late.
Careful there, he's no p*ssy. He isn't afraid at all to take matters into his own hands against anyone who pays their rent late.
so you are a liar too huh? that wasn't my position at all. I was talking about squatters who have no rent agreement and people who once had one... stop paying and use those laws to steal and rip people off.
We're talking about building apartment complexes in upper middle class neighborhoods. That's not going to do much to make housing cheaper. You want people to be able to afford their own homes. Not pay outrageous rent prices for the rest of their lives. Renting apartments in upper middle class areas just means you're over paying for a tiny piece of space that you'll never own. Not a good investment strategy.

Yeah if I own a home, I want it to keep its value. If you are a builder and you're looking to make millions of dollars while devaluing my home, I'm going to want to put a stop to that. Sorry but that's the market at work. Not only do I not want my home devalued, but I don't want to have to start worrying about people breaking into my vehicles and stealing in my neighborhood.

You do understand that part of it, right? Like I didn't make sound monetary decisions my whole life so I can "take one for the team" so venture capitalists can come in and get rich off of devaluing my home while bringing more riff raff in my neighborhood.

Home values are imaginary nonsense. Just like stock values are. They can literally be based on anything. The house I live in is currently valued at over $300k and I can tell you that anyone willing to pay that for this house is a blithering idiot. It's a bad investment, a money pit waiting to happen. This market has repeatedly been manipulated time and again when laws favor wealthier people and corporations. And just like in 2008, immigrants and poor people are always blamed for those who engaged in predatory practices against them.

Adding apartments to literally anywhere doesn't HAVE to devalue the homes there. What a nonsense take. You ever hear of luxury apartments? You can add more housing literally anywhere and merely fluctuate median home values depending on how it's done. You're just espousing anti-competitive crap, which is hilarious as it tends to come the hardest from people who simp for capitalism. You're arguing for a controlled market via the Gubment, more restrictions on what can and cannot be built and where. And the more we've adhered to this ideology the worse the wealth gap has gotten, the worse homeless has gotten, and people who sit on high-dollar properties just shrug their shoulders and vote for laws that criminalize that homelessness. But then b*tch their faces off when people from NY or Cali with their better buying power come into their towns because the homes are more affordable.
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so you are a liar too huh? that wasn't my position at all. I was talking about squatters who have no rent agreement and people who once had one... stop paying and use those laws to steal and rip people off.

lol, chill out homie. You can take a little razzing, you're no p*ssy.
That's a good argument for why barriers to increasing supply should be where efforts to address the issue are focused.
There is a reason municipalities fight tooth and nail to block though, the more condo towers in an area the more it's a gridlocked shithole with potholes and drug addicts waiting outside shoppers to mug you, takes 20 mins to drive anywhere, ER wait times triple, etc.

For now it seems like removing barriers will be the main tactic, we will have to see how that plays out.
so you are a liar too huh? that wasn't my position at all. I was talking about squatters who have no rent agreement and people who once had one... stop paying and use those laws to steal and rip people off.

lol, chill out homie. You can take a little razzing, you're no p*ssy.
razzing is fine but why lie though and be off topic at the same time?
We're talking about building apartment complexes in upper middle class neighborhoods. That's not going to do much to make housing cheaper. You want people to be able to afford their own homes. Not pay outrageous rent prices for the rest of their lives. Renting apartments in upper middle class areas just means you're over paying for a tiny piece of space that you'll never own. Not a good investment strategy.

Yeah if I own a home, I want it to keep its value. If you are a builder and you're looking to make millions of dollars while devaluing my home, I'm going to want to put a stop to that. Sorry but that's the market at work. Not only do I not want my home devalued, but I don't want to have to start worrying about people breaking into my vehicles and stealing in my neighborhood.

You do understand that part of it, right? Like I didn't make sound monetary decisions my whole life so I can "take one for the team" so venture capitalists can come in and get rich off of devaluing my home while bringing more riff raff in my neighborhood.
Adding more housing supply is how you make housing cheaper. I'm not saying that we need to add a 15 floor apartment complex in the middle of a suburb but adding things like multiplexes and accessory dwelling units is a way to add density that better matches the character of existing neighborhoods.

The more you lower the barrier to building housing the more likely you will see small developers fill in these niches. In practice that looks more like your neighbor adding a granny flat to their yard to accommodate an elderly parent or converting their SFH into a duplex to rent out the other unit. Maybe a fourplex goes up with units that new grads can afford to live in, maybe someone converts their garage into an additional unit for their adult children to move back in while keeping some independence. These are things that the current laws make difficult to acheive and the more you make this kind of thing harder the more reliant the market is on big developers who can bear the costs that NIMBYs impose on new developments.
razzing is fine but why lie though and be off topic at the same time?

Isn't this thread about housing? Not really off-topic.

I did embellished your position for dramatic effect, because I found your position a bit ridiculous with your threats of violence and resistance to using actual legal means of accomplishing the same thing.

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