Stephan A Smith says he would knockout Joe Rogan

SAS was 100% right about Cowboy quitting. He would have been better than Rogain when Gynosanya lost to Blachowitz.

Maybe some CTE would improve Rogan's commentary, it really has nowhere to go but up at this point.
This demonstrates how little people STILL know about self-defense

Anyone who knows wrestling and jiu jitsu is gonna beat a Boxer who has never trained those things 9/10 times
true, unless Joe's been training Rex Kwon Do. then he'll just break the wrist and walk away

Omg I laughed so hard at this.
Who's gonna win? a roided HGH DMT freak with bjj and TKD experience or a joke of a commentator?
steven smith would beat jack paul in a fight, of course he would destroy that midget joe hogan
There are only 50 people on the planet than can defeat Rogan and I doubt Stephen is one of them.

prolly already been said cause I didn’t read thread but...

Now we just need to find the other 49
Rogan could literally do to Stephen A. Smith whatever he wanted and there would be absolutely nothing Smith could do about it.
Make the fight happen then. Lets see how fast this dude backpedals
Please please please oh Lord let this fight happen.
Stephen a needs to be put in his place. Effeminate minstrel is overstepping his boundaries.
Smith obviously can't fight, but Rogan looks really bad for someone with extensive martial arts training

It’s amazing what consistent training can do, from this to only fifty dudes in the entire world being able to defeat him, crazy fast learner, best to ever do it
Also you can tell who’s never trained in this thread by who is impressed with joe kicking a bag. Any uninjured male with two months kickboxing training can do this lol. Showing people how hard kicks are is only a gimmick that works on untrained. Head Down to your local kB gym and there will be soccer mums trying to lose baby fat , kicking just as impressive.
Joe has two tools in his arsenal, a tae kwon do sidekick standing up and a no technique neck crank on the floor. Joe's hands are absolutely useless, and his kickboxing or even understanding of kickboxing has always been zero. Also got gifted a black belt in bjj without even competing, just muscling and cranking beginner necks as a gym tough guy. I'm 100% confident Stephen A would beat him in boxing. Joe is clueless when it comes to boxing, muay thai or kickboxing.