*Steve-O Vs Justin Bieber: Who gets your money on a MMA fight?*

Steve-o is a human punching bag, but he probably would take a severe ass whopping and be bleeding like crazy and still keep going like a zombie.

I remember when Butterbean beat the shit out of Knoxville on Jackass, and it was not fake at all, real punches. He had severe concussions after that
I havent seen Steve-O in years but the last time I did he looked like he was on his deathbed.

I'd unfortunately have to go with Beiber here.
Steve-O has done many things that would make even Diego Sanchez and Tony Ferguson uncomfortable.

And Diego thinks he’s taking virginities...

Wait till Steve-O gets ahold of his ass. He doesn’t give a fuck! Lol

Steve-O by whatever he wants.