Law Substitute teacher KO's student for using racial slur

If this is the only clip, the teacher is justified using the initial force. However, the follow up stuff was over the top. It exposed the simmering rage the teacher had leading up to the physical confrontation. He wasn't just defending himself. He provoked and challenged this student, and then gloated in victory afterwards.

This was an attack which could potentially be racially motivated.
I remember in the OJ Simpson trial, Christopher Darden wanted "the N word" excluded because he argued that so many black people get too angry and are unable to think rationally when they hear it. The pro OJ side said that was ridiculous and completely insulting, and now it's completely flipped and is the standard go to excuse to "see red" and maul a stranger.
Wasn't that in the context of a white police officer using the word? In that case it can indicate racial bias more than an inner city kid using the word.
Hector got chalupa'd
Y'all racist!

There's a disparity of force there. That was like a LHW against a fat WW not to mention it's an adult versus an adolescent. As easily as he knocked him out he could have just wrestled the kid to the ground and held him for security to show up.
Yeah, 30 year old, 220lbs, 6'2" dude beating up a 15 year old, 5'4" fat kid. Not a good look.
Although the kid was probably being a bitch, the teacher fucked up because he didn't use grappling.
Video in the link

Here in Las Vegas teacher knocks out student for using racial slur

Kid is Mexican and used the N word in class. The rap song N word, not the hard R

It's been on my local news and my sister works as a teacher in this school

Too bad this guy didn’t have a gun. If he was a teacher in Tennessee he might have had one.
Man, you're surface level. Imagine thinking a man of my intellect would listen to a word Herschel Walker had to say after 20 seconds.

I'm very much in agreeance about centrist thinking. Unfortunately it's the loonies on the left taking things too fast that are the problem. And at the root, that isn't a conservative principle at all.

What do you mean by taking things too fast?
Wiping ourselves and purpose out of existence. AI, etc. The last 150 years has been a blur of drastic technological change never seen in history.

The advancements in AI technology are driven by capitalism and the lack of government regulation, I don't really see a partisan framing to them.
The advancements in AI technology are driven by capitalism and the lack of government regulation, I don't really see a partisan framing to them.
It's an ideological framing much much deeper than modern politics.
It's an ideological framing much much deeper than modern politics.

It's not deep at all, it's just business. If corporations can replace human workers they have to pay a salary and benefits to with AI they absolutely will. It's a cost cutting decision. And the tech companies advancing AI are doing so because they plan on selling the tech and turning a profit. It's entirely business motivated. Money makes the world go round.
Imagine if we armed teachers surely situations like this would never escalate lol.
Almost impressive how America has one word to control a part of the population. Just say the word and the person becomes aggressive immediately. i don't think there's a similar word anywhere that has that effect.
It's not deep at all, it's just business. If corporations can replace human workers they have to pay a salary and benefits to with AI they absolutely will. It's a cost cutting decision. And the tech companies advancing AI are doing so because they plan on selling the tech and turning a profit. It's entirely business motivated. Money makes the world go round.

Your understanding of the dangers of AI are very simple and basic.
Almost impressive how America has one word to control a part of the population. Just say the word and the person becomes aggressive immediately. i don't think there's a similar word anywhere that has that effect.
Its comical actually and sad at the same time. If you call me something I'm not why would I be offended...I would only get offended if I were actually that thing...