Tattoos in MMA

Pretty sure most MMA fighters focus is working on their skills not sculpting their bodies.

And if you're going to sculpt your body, you don't ruin it with shitty tattoos.
They sculpt the fuck outta their bodies. You think they look like that from sparring and jiu jitsu drills?
Sean Brady's is dope
Damn near every fighter on the UFC roster has a visible tattoo, I actually think it’s a sign of low impulse control. Why do MMA fighters insist on desecrating their bodies?

Because they lack natural machismo and have to compensate for it in other ways.
Tattoos was originally about the thug life and criminal world. If you're not part of that world you are just pretending.
Damn near every fighter on the UFC roster has a visible tattoo, I actually think it’s a sign of low impulse control. Why do MMA fighters insist on desecrating their bodies?

Respect opinions but if this is truly your mindset, then you need to expand your horizons a bit.

I thought times had changed as far as the perception of tattoos and that close minded approach had disappeared but apparently not.

There are a ton of reasons for people getting tattoos and every individual is different. For some is it a “lack of impulse control”? Could be...but myself for instance have tattoos for a variety of a reasons and I’m sure others do as well.

Cultural reasons, spiritual reasons, emotional reasons or just flat out enjoying how it looks are all reasons for it....

Assuming that it’s just a “lack of impulse” control is a simplistic, outdated and close minded approach to this situation.
Respect opinions but if this is truly your mindset, then you need to expand your horizons a bit.

I thought times had changed as far as the perception of tattoos and that close minded approach had disappeared but apparently not.

There are a ton of reasons for people getting tattoos and every individual is different. For some is it a “lack of impulse control”? Could be...but myself for instance have tattoos for a variety of a reasons and I’m sure others do as well.

Cultural reasons, spiritual reasons, emotional reasons or just flat out enjoying how it looks are all reasons for it....

Assuming that it’s just a “lack of impulse” control is a simplistic, outdated and close minded approach to this situation.
I get one at significant points during my life, to help me remember the feeling I had then.
I'm always curious as to what slightly older people (older than 40) think about tattoos today since every other housewife, college kid, service or law enforcement member, MMA fighter, cross fit practitioner, hipster, and grandma (I'm kidding on this one) has at least one and in many cases multiple tattoos.

Tattoos really don't apply to certain stereotypes anymore like they once did and have become meaningless to most of the world at large. At my gym at least 30-50% are inked up. But as I said, no one cares anymore because it is so common. Yet it still seems that many, not all, people with tattoos see it as a way to broadcast something. I'm a member of this, I did that, I'm original, etc. The other big one is family member memorial tattoos which always seems odd, as if you would forget them if they weren't present in ink on your body. I actually can't think of the last time that anyone's tattoo registered visually with me. I suppose there is the tattoos as artwork idea and I'm sure there are a few super talented tattooists out there that fit that bill. IMO most tattoos are visual garbage but that is obviously subjective.

Personally I view the majority of tattoos like I do bumper stickers for a car, something to be ignored to the best of my ability. You may ask why do you feel that way (more than likely you don't care)? In life, real life (not the internet version), I've been a believer in keeping myself to myself. Broadcasting my family, my beliefs, the art that I like, or activities I participate in seems somehow alien. Almost like bragging, not sure what the word I'm looking for is. I just prefer to do what I do, like what I like, love who I love, and move on.
Dont judge a book by its cover
Tatoo are personnal choices and who are we to judge people's choice ?
As long as they have the legal age to do it and its not something offending like swatika then let them do what they want.
Because they mostly come from the demographics (young with lower education) with the highest likelihood of getting tattoos. (No judgment, I have tattoos myself)
The vast majority of the UFC roster before 2010 had little education and they didn’t mutilate their skin with ink. How would you explain that?
I don't mind tattoos, but I do question the guys with their last name tattoo'd on their backs.
Is that for when they get lost so someone can find their family and bring em home or what ?
You know like an actual dogtag.
These guys are truly idiots and sadly I do like some of them as fighters.
If you follow mma long enough you know there are more and more tatooless fighters. Back in the 2000's i think every single fighter except fedor was tatooed

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