Social Tea Drinkers

@lsa is a sophisticated tea drinker.

I started drinking tea recently so that I would drink less coffee. I'm a fan of the yogi ginkgo tea. Matcha and echinacea is good too.
I'm shit at making tea. It always just tastes like boiled water no matter what I do.
I bought a mushroom tea that actually makes you really tired. Also have a mushroom coffee for the morning.

Tastes like absolute dogshit but it’s supposedly good for you.
Tea drinkers, you cant trust them. Coffee or gtfo.
love tea drink it daily (coffee too)
jasmine tea or Tieguanyin are my favorites
but really they are all good

camel mile tea is cool in the evening especially if your stuffed up
Got big into tea for a while, but that's calmed down. Used to have a tea journal and everything.

I learned enough to know what I like: oolongs and greens, mostly. A nice, clean black in the morning with milk and honey can be lovely, too.

The best tea in my humble opinion is a ginseng oolong. The higher quality ones are really good.

Premium Lan Gui Ren (Ginseng Oolong) - Tee Sommelière

Any oolong is good, though - milk oolong also is good, again if you avoid the cheaper ones. Some are artificially flavoured with milk flavors. yuck.
Milk Oolong Tea | Oolong Tea | Loose Tea | Murchie's Tea & Coffee ...

For night time teas - nothin better for a fella to wind down at the end of the day than a nice cup of calm-a-male. However, my girlfriend is big into making tea from sage leaves, mint leaves, or ginger root and I've been known to enjoy a cup of water with fresh vegetable matter chucked in. Those are quite nice, too.
9 Incredible Benefits of Sage Tea | Organic Facts
Mint Tea and Its Health Benefits - Pop and Thistle
11 Amazing Benefits of Ginger Tea - Natural Food Series

And, from the "everything kills you" files - microplastics in tea!? using a stainless steel tea ball or other infuser certainly makes you feel like a bigshot, but now there's more reason to avoid tea bagging - bad news for your mom:
Drink a lot of tea but the types you don't put milk in. Green, lapsong souchong, herbal, fruit/herb blends etc. I drink four strong coffees before 1pm then switch to caffeine free after that.

Never understood the hype around lapsang souchong. Oh you like tea? How about a cup of tea in the middle of a forest fire?!

I love coffee too. If left to my own devices I'll drink cups of black coffee until I start feeling uncomfortable. Could be 5 to 8 cups.

I take the odd day off of caffeine just to feel alive. Did so yesterday. Slight headache all day. It feels like some wizard has come along and dehydrated your spinal cord and brain stem.

I read somewhere that the coffee withdrawal headache is a result of the fact that caffeine narrows blood vessels in the brain, so, when you stop, your poor brain is experiencing these little micro swellings all over as the blood vessels are suddenly larger than normal. Creepy.