If you have seen the whole season of FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER, how would you rate it?

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I really like where this is going. I hope they're using the fact that Sam never signed the Accords against him.

We're getting a spot tonight, people!
Enough with the set photos and bullshit!
Disney needs to hurry up and put original content in boat loads on Disney+. The movies and animation etc are getting old.
I can't believe people actually give a shit about this. Covid is a motherfucker apparently. Love Marvel movies but I'd rather watch Peppa Pig than this.
I can't believe people actually give a shit about this. Covid is a motherfucker apparently. Love Marvel movies but I'd rather watch Peppa Pig than this.

Completely agree. Not just this but the whole Cap franchise. Sick of all the manufactured man-bro love undertones which it seems they're doubling down on here. If you're going gay, just go gay. If you have a story to tell then tell it. And yes, the conclusion of Caps arc in Endgame felt like a cop out. Peggy was his sidepiece. The love of his life as per the films was Bucky. But Disney chickened out. Don't expect anything more from this.
I knew it was happening. I mean GSP said he had some big things he couldn't talk about right around when it previously started filming.... and I was like DUH..... Why not just come out and say it then. Doesn't take a genius.

That said pretty excited about seeing him in this. Hope they don't nerf him. I mean yeah he lost to Cap, but he also got away which is more than others have.
I see they at least preserved the Batroc comic book color scheme. I wonder if we'll now see a GSP likeness Marvel Legends action figure.