Media The French president is BSD'S homie

Who the fuck cares? I swear people care and are interested in the most pointless and stupid shit.
Macron is basically Justin Trudeau on the other side of the Atlantic with an uglier older wife.funny how such a virtue signaller like macron also fights to keep French interests and this colonialism alive in the Sahel. What a narrow shouldered zeek I hope someone breaks his jaw

Edit: Trudeau’s wife left him. Just thought I’d throw that in there.
The infiltration of politics into the UFC in recent years is gross. From Dana kowtowing to the Orange Goof, to fighters schmoozing with dictators, I find it all very off-putting.
Who the fuck cares? I swear people care and are interested in the most pointless and stupid shit.
Probably the vast legion of Francophiles on this website. Other than them you’re right - no one fuckin cares
The infiltration of politics into the UFC in recent years is gross. From Dana kowtowing to the Orange Goof, to fighters schmoozing with dictators, I find it all very off-putting.
Can’t wait to see a North Korean fighter giving Kim Jong un a verbal hummer in front of an American crowd who are all foaming at the mouth
The infiltration of politics into the UFC in recent years is gross. From Dana kowtowing to the Orange Goof, to fighters schmoozing with dictators, I find it all very off-putting.
yeah it was way better when McStain was calling for MMA to be banned in USA.

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