Law The Lonestar Rebellion is here. Get onboard or get run over. We will defend America's borders!

Trump had a video statement earlier, but I cannot find it!

Also several twitters have posted the constitution part where it highlights how other states can join in a compact with Texas to go around the federal government

With immigration being the #1 issue right now the optics are juicy, along with the discussion of the current border deal, which is absolute garbage
It's a fascinating legal development. They're absolutely in the wrong in some ways because they can't usurp federal authority over federal borders or immigration. And Abbot can't just declare an "invasion" as justification for doing so. But there are enough gray areas that I'm sure they're within the law on specific aspects of this.
Biden's handlers gave an ultimatum. Allow them to cut down the wire tomorrow or else. There's talks of federalizing the TX national guard -

This is what I was saying in another thread. That it is perfect optics for Trump. Biden is going to supersede Texas as he tries and touts he has strongest border ever while minorities cry.

It is perfect.

Mitch in the senate is trying to literally lobby the other senators to pass the immigration bill, despite not knowing the specifics. The leaked are awful. Shows how awful both sides are.

Thankfully the house is putting their foot down and if Biden is literally going to try and pull a military junta coup on states, with many states now supporting Texas. Hell yea, that is the fight to have
It's a fascinating legal development. They're absolutely in the wrong in some ways because they can't usurp federal authority over federal borders or immigration. And Abbot can't just declare an "invasion" as justification for doing so. But there are enough gray areas that I'm sure they're within the law on specific aspects of this.
federal land is limited, it does not extend into the state. they can rightfully protect their state lands
federal land is limited, it does not extend into the state. they can rightfully protect their state lands
They can protect state lands but they cannot exercise federal authority. And that means they cannot act on immigration law or the border, which are the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal government. So, protecting state lands within state law but not in any way that interferes with federal law.
They can protect state lands but they cannot exercise federal authority. And that means they cannot act on immigration law or the border, which are the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal government. So, protecting state lands within state law but not in any way that interferes with federal law.
they can arrest anyone breaking the law. when getting arrested guess what they ask for, ID. if you can not provide ID you are placed on a hold while your fingerprints are ran to determine your identity. If you can not prove you are a US citizen then ICE takes over. Hell, when I lived in oregon, by LAW you had to have ID on you at all times. it was illegal to not have it.
Don't mess with Texas...unless you're the Federal Government.

Too close to call.
Yeah, I'm wondering how it will play out. I'm not too familiar with Texas (I've only been to the Houston airport) but it certainly seems unique compared to all the other states.

What consequences? Is he going to show up in his diaper and mumble? <JagsKiddingMe>

they can arrest anyone breaking the law. when getting arrested guess what they ask for, ID. if you can not provide ID you are placed on a hold while your fingerprints are ran to determine your identity. If you can not prove you are a US citizen then ICE takes over. Hell, when I lived in oregon, by LAW you had to have ID on you at all times. it was illegal to not have it.
No, they cannot arrest anyone breaking the law. They can arrest anyone breaking state law. They can't arrest people for breaking federal law, which includes anything immigration related.
they can arrest anyone breaking the law. when getting arrested guess what they ask for, ID. if you can not provide ID you are placed on a hold while your fingerprints are ran to determine your identity. If you can not prove you are a US citizen then ICE takes over. Hell, when I lived in oregon, by LAW you had to have ID on you at all times. it was illegal to not have it.

Can you show me the Oregon statute that says you must have an ID on you at all times?
Can you show me the Oregon statute that says you must have an ID on you at all times?
It is not illegal in Oregon to refuse to identify yourself, but police may detain you until they establish your identity. You can be charged with a crime if you provide false identification information. You may refuse to provide your Social Security number. You do not have to answer questions without a lawyer present.

I moved years ago. I look more. you will be detained, and then if you lie additional charges

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