The Olsen Twins in 2001 and 2021

They were ugly even as infants.


You mean hotter

God damn, they were actually kinda cute back in the day. They totally fucked up their faces and now they look like shit. The one on the left still kind of resembles herself, but the one on the right butchered her face to the point of almost not even looking human. It's shocking and scary that people actually do this to themselves.
I never knew she was their sister. She is stunning while they look like they’ve just been rejected for the lord of the rings Netflix series
Fun fact, the twins did a song about their little sister back when they were kids.
One of them looked pretty good in Wind River not long ago.
Jesus. They look like a couple of female undead from Dance of the Vampires.
Holy eating disorders and cocaine Batman!
They're pretty ugly. 20 years is a long time though and they could buy me 50 times over so I'm sure they don't care that I don't find them attractive.

Lol, I just realised that on the right there she looks just like my first girlfriend, who looks identical to how they look now, now!

Has either one of them cracked a smile in the last 20 years?
Pfft...the Olson twins are nasty, but Elizabeth is a fucking baaabbee