The Parts (fighters) ≯ b The Sum (the UFC)


Po Atan
Nov 24, 2022
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So many of these fighters think that they are > the UFC.

Hate the UFC all you want, but the amount of time (effort, expense) at resurrecting the promotion, building the venue, reestablishing MMA be at the forefront ... is *far more involved / complicated* than some 21-year-old kid who "trained for years" to fulfill his dream of being a fighter.

What do you think is more difficult?
  1. Training for 10 years, getting yourself "ready for an MMA fight"; or
  2. Spending a lifetime BUILDING THE CAPITAL NECESSARY to arrange and fully-orchestrate an internationally-watched event in Abu Dhabi?
I do agree certain fighters, who established themselves, should be able to build their own worth, in their own right.

But at the end of the day, the UFC model is correct.

The UFC makes everything happen, whatever fighters are on the roster are a-dime-a-dozen, unless they establish themselves to be otherwise.

Francis deserves credit for defining himself; yet he only represents one-tenth of 0,1% of the fighters out there today.

The rest need to be appreciative for the opportunities the UFC gave them.
I disagree because if all of the ufcs top fighters valued themselves more and really were empathetic enough they would get together and do what Francis did and it would create the change needed, higher ufc fighter pay and better treatment (respect) from the company. The ufc is one of the most unethical sporting organizations ever out of all of them. Indefensible.
Resurrecting? When did the UFC start hiring necromancer?

The rest need to be appreciative for the opportunities the UFC gave them.

Nope. It is always the fact that hirers should be grateful they have people to hire. Amazing how people don't get that
Resurrecting? When did the UFC start hiring necromancer?

Nope. It is always the fact that hirers should be grateful they have people to hire. Amazing how people don't get that

Yeah, no.

Of the human population, how many people do you think can "be fighters" ... vs. how many people do you think could duplicate the UFC?

That's right. Sit down and shaddap.

The UFC > any "fighter" on the roster.
I disagree because if all of the ufcs top fighters valued themselves more and really were empathetic enough they would get together and do what Francis did and it would create the change needed, higher ufc fighter pay and better treatment (respect) from the company. The ufc is one of the most unethical sporting organizations ever out of all of them. Indefensible.

It sounds more like you agree that organizing, persuading people with money and/or time to give it to you and persuade them to take a stand, make calculated risks, negotiate huge TV and streaming deals and grow your organization every year is harder than training and fighting.
It sounds more like you agree that organizing, persuading people with money and/or time to give it to you and persuade them to take a stand, make calculated risks, negotiate huge TV and streaming deals and grow your organization every year is harder than training and fighting.
Without the fighters what is there to build though?
I disagree because if all of the ufcs top fighters valued themselves more and really were empathetic enough they would get together and do what Francis did and it would create the change needed, higher ufc fighter pay and better treatment (respect) from the company. The ufc is one of the most unethical sporting organizations ever out of all of them. Indefensible.

I don't think you comprehend the connections, finances, and infrastructure this actually takes.

The only reason "Francis" transcended these impediments is he was viewed as, "The biggest, strongest, hardest-hitting man on earth."

He was in the 00.0000001% club.

99.999999% of other fighters will never have that aura, and (consequently) not that pull, either.
Without the fighters what is there to build though?

Are you familiar with the concept of allocating scarce resourses? Fighters are not a scarce resource. Managing everything to package those fighters in to streaming content is a scarce skill, making the person or organization who can do it a scarce resource. You'll always have fighters who will want to be in the UFC. No one else can BE the UFC. Just ask Bellator.