Social Top minds Joe Rogan and Bo Nickal making waves for their political hot take


Gold Belt
Oct 13, 2012
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This is an example of partisanship to the point of mental decay. The double standards are impressive. Kudos to Joe's team for correcting it, because this is the most popular podcast that exists, with millions of viewers each episode.

Article has the video included.

Joe Rogan has done it again. But this time, even his own producers couldn’t help but correct him during a live podcast taping. In a clip from Thursday’s episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, as first spotted by Mediaite, Rogan attempted to argue that comments made by President Joe Biden essentially disqualify him from running in 2024. The only problem? It was Trump who made the original gaffe.

Rogan and his guest, MMA fighter Bo Nickal, were accusing Biden of making “no sense at all” when the host asked, “Did you hear what he said yesterday, or a couple of days ago?” He then claimed that Biden recently said in earnest that America “lost” the Revolutionary War because “we didn’t have en0ugh airports.” “Pull him!” Rogan said. “If you had any other job, and you were talking like that, they would go, ‘Hey, you’re done.’”

The two men continued to denigrate Biden and defend Trump for several minutes before one of Rogan’s producers found the video in question, in which Biden says of Trump, “The same ‘stable genius’ said the biggest problem we had during the Revolutionary War is we didn’t have enough airports!” “It’s not fake,” they told Rogan, “but he was referencing Trump saying that.”

Then, viewers of Rogan’s video podcast were treated to watching his face fall as the team played him a clip of a speech Trump gave in 2019, in which he said that Revolutionary forces “took over the airports” in their victorious fight against the British—despite the fact that planes would not be invented for another couple of centuries.

“Oh OK, so he fucked up,” Rogan admitted. “That’s the thing about media these days,” Nickal added, “you’ve gotta look into it.”
I love the deflated reaction to finding out Trump said it. When Biden said it, he needs to be removed and fired immediately. When Trump said airports existed then: "Well...obviously he just messed up his words." And no further conviction.

Trump has been babbling incoherently, not knowing where he is, sweating profusely, and slurring words for months.

Biden too old tho.
Did Rogan throw that UFC fighter under the bus for proclaiming his decision loss was because he supports Trump?
I hear Spotify is heavily regretting signing on Rogan and he's not bringining in a fraction of listeners they thought he would. In fact, Rogan is COSTING them customers and advertisers with his blatant conspiracies and racism.
I think Joe Rogan feels a lot of peer pressure, whether it be from a guest or his friends, and doesn’t want to admit to his younger self that he openly supports a politician in a blind fashion. It would hurt the ideal he has of himself, that of a freethinker or some shit.

I know someone will pop up and say, ‘Rogan is a liberal’, or a ‘libertarian’, but from all the clips I have seen of him this year and last, it seems like he has a boner for Trump. Again, I’m talking about clips — I don’t listen to the show, so maybe someone can correct me.
I think Joe Rogan feels a lot of peer pressure, whether it be from a guest or his friends, and doesn’t want to admit to his younger self that he openly supports a politician in a blind fashion. It would hurt the ideal he has of himself, that of a freethinker or some shit.

I know someone will pop up and say, ‘Rogan is a liberal’, or a ‘libertarian’, but from all the clips I have seen of him this year and last, it seems like he has a boner for Trump. Again, I’m talking about clips — I don’t listen to the show, so maybe someone can correct me.

Rogan is your classic "anti-establishment" useful idiot that supports the guy that pretends to be the "anti-establishment" the kind of idiots that fell for Fascism or Communism back then.
I think Joe Rogan feels a lot of peer pressure, whether it be from a guest or his friends, and doesn’t want to admit to his younger self that he openly supports a politician in a blind fashion. It would hurt the ideal he has of himself, that of a freethinker or some shit.

I know someone will pop up and say, ‘Rogan is a liberal’, or a ‘libertarian’, but from all the clips I have seen of him this year and last, it seems like he has a boner for Trump. Again, I’m talking about clips — I don’t listen to the show, so maybe someone can correct me.

This started a long time ago, when right wingers started complimenting him as being unafraid to have them around, and going out of their way to be way nicer versions of themselves than they are on their own shows. This it a tactic of right wing pundits to disenfranchise the "why I left the left" crowd. Then Joe essentially banned a few leftist pundits because they're too mean in their rhetoric, while advertising himself as non-partisan, and found a niche as the "enlightened centrist" trope.
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makes me sad anyone cares about Joe Rogan's political opinions. Same with anyone wanting to listen to a UFC podcast.