TrT Vitor is re-emerging

Damn he's getting close to his final form starting to get that big ass alcoholic nose and chiseled jaw back
That looks more like his uncle, TrT Vitor is long gone
Early UFC Vitor could probably beat 3 TRT Vitor's.

I think he was a heavyweight?
This picture is not HW Vitor. Pretty sure this was when he gave Marvin Eastman the nastiest cut in MMA history in a LHW bout
Even the most ardent anti ped fans have a soft spot for trt vitor.
Sh!t 4Real I've been trying to get my doctor to get me on trt for the last 3yrs now I qualify specs wise, but my doc says my blood levels for testosterone is still above my age level (lifelong exercising living right even busting bowlz) Haven't done a blood test this year but I'm eager now seeing Vitor I ain't competing can give 2f*ks about USADA; F*k growing old I'm going Ballz out baby I'm gonna be a Gearhead!...
I thought you were a young guy? Genes give you up lol?
just think how well his training camp would go if we each sent him $1
Like many have already said, it's not too much his muscles but his movement, his reflexes is what's scary how it changes. I need his doctor.

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