Law Trump can’t get a loan to pay $464 million bond in fraud case, his lawyers say

the banks want to do more business with the rapey orange fraudster? is that the chuddy little narrative that we are trying to push?

if the banks want to do more business with the fraudy orange election-losing rapist, then why hasn't any of them given him a loan so that he can pay his appeal bond? cucks4tuck doesn't seem to want to answer that but maybe you'd like to give it a try. it doesn't seem like any of the banks want anything to do with this man. how strange. why is that do you figure?
Don't listen to @Andy Capp. He's been going on for over a year about some big special surprise that was supposed to happen every other month,

they are going to find the fraud and constitutionally overturn the election?

So is the first property being seized tomorrow?
So is the first property being seized tomorrow?

they can begin the process of freezing his bank accounts and seizing his assets on tuesday. but seizing his properties is a bit of a long drawn out process, especially for the properties he doesnt own by name but he owns it through one of his shell companies or subsidies.
they can begin the process of freezing his bank accounts and seizing his assets on tuesday. but seizing his properties is a bit of a long drawn out process, especially for the properties he doesnt own by name but he owns it through one of his shell companies or subsidies.

Thats a shame, but I'm sure his meltdowns on Trewth Sential will be gold regardless
So I should just ignore any data suggesting anything other than a Biden victory? Is that what you’re doing? Are you just going to stick your head in the sand and hope for the best?
If you believe polls I have a shiny bridge I think you might want to buy.
Quick note on the banks, they caused the financial crisis by trading derivatives of derivatives of options of puts on Residential Backed Mortgage Securities....They pumped the value of these by giving out "Liar Loans" with no proof of income or assets needed to get large mortgage loans that they then packaged and sold and sold and sold with little due diligence done by any buyer to the point they no longer knew what they even owned....

Then they started collapsing, screamed "Too big to Fail" and got bailed out. yes yes I know the narrative that we made "made money on that bailout" but I don't buy it for a second.

Then there was the run on the savings and loan crisis and run on those "banks"

Wells Fargo is a very recent example of a mega bank getting fined for continuous shady shit.

Bernie Madoff and Enron also come to mind as massively rich people massively lying for massively more richness.

So yeah, trusting bankers and stock traders to make good financial decisions, especially with no over site and borrowers allowed to commit massive fraud with no penalties seems like a bad idea to me.

and I would think it would to most rational americans who have lived through and been effected by housing crises, S&L bank runs, lost their money to a ponzi scheme, watched a stock evaporate due to accounting fraud and world wide economic instability caused by exactly what DJT did but on a much more widespread and systemic fashion.

the banks and bankers are hardly innocent lambs in the financial jungle.....and I would never trust them to oversee themselves even if they did make money on these fraudulent loans because that just encourages them to do more and cause more pressure to build until the system blows up.........AGAIN!
I hate that this is accurate

"the banks are calling me up, with tears rolling down their eyes, and they tell me president trump, you've been treated more unfairly than any other president, even the ones who were shot in the head, and i beg of you to allow us the privilege to loan you 557 million dollars so that you can pay your appeal bond."
this is about the uniparty establishment making moves, shutting down dissent, and fortifying themselves as permanent rulers. trump unveiled the swamp, as a liberal who supposedly values freedom and liberty, how can you openly support a system that wants to step on the rights of ordinary citizens and go back to their pre-trump shenanigans on a permanent basis?
Maybe Trump shouldn’t help them out by being a criminal. I mean, look at Sleepy Joe. Their law fare isn’t working because they can’t find any crimes. He’s playing 4D chess.

no victim no crime
You should jump the fence and streak across the White House lawn, then scream “no victim!” at them while they beat the shit out of you with batons.

I'm fine with having the wager rubbed in a bit since it seems a likely win for you--who'd have thought Americans could be so dumb?

The rest of this is so pathetic it can only be the result of saltiness from prior shit-kickings. Desperate over a forum bet? How sad. This shows everyone your miserable childish mentality. That's what I'm talking about.
He lost his bet with me when Biden got more votes than any president in history on the way to pummeling his boy. Probably blames Mike Pence.
Lol @ you for underestimating the quantity of the stupidity inside the Republican Party. You deserve that L.
Indeed, I do. It's definitely a learning experience.

I really didn't expect them to cave so hard to the MAGA cult; they've done far worse than I ever imagined even, handing the purse strings of the party over to Trump's daughter and so on.

I also failed to account for Trump's greatest skill, delaying court proceedings. I expected the criminal trial in Georgia to have started by Super Tuesday.

At the same time, it's just a forum bet; shit happens. Win or lose it's not that big a deal. I'm still pretty sure he will lose in November and if so, I'll pick up 2 wins to this 1 (likely) loss. I'm ok with that.
I despise Trump but this guy is correct.

He's the worst person to be President, and yet seems way better than the other guy who probably can't spell the alphabet backwards anymore.

The backers of the Dems are the reason for the extended Ukraine war and the border crisis. What the hell are they doing letting military age men from China cross the border?

Oh and then there's this guy:
"BuT wHo Is ThE vIcTiM hErE?"

The public.

The victims of massive fraud is the public who are also trying to get loans from banks while some fat orange buffoon is siphoning off many millions of dollars illegally and fraudulently.

Just because some Trumpites are happy for him to shit on their heads like this doesn't mean the rest of the US are.
the banks want to do more business with the rapey orange fraudster? is that the chuddy little narrative that we are trying to push?

if the banks want to do more business with the fraudy orange election-losing rapist, then why hasn't any of them given him a loan so that he can pay his appeal bond? cucks4tuck doesn't seem to want to answer that but maybe you'd like to give it a try. it doesn't seem like any of the banks want anything to do with this man. how strange. why is that do you figure?
That tool doesn't know the difference between a fine and bail. Don't task him with figuring anything, FFS.