Trumps Reaction to the Doctor

He is tough. Just ask the Deep State who has been trying to take him down for years to no avail.
This is the same genius who thought Ben fucking Askren would run through the UFC WW division, so....
hes in his 70s. prime trump would shatter your glass jaw

Two BJJ seminars, and some boxercise tape and he would be world champ
Didn't know sherdog was filled with such snowflakes and SJWs <Lmaoo>
Trump bless.
imagine nitpicking some extremely busy 80 year old mans physique.
thats the left for you
Jorge and black beast are trump supporters, who would have thunk
Successful, unapologetic, uncensored, american flag underwear wearing, red meat eating mother fuckers. Not surprised.
That soy doctor though, is probably a Hillary supporter