Trying to lose my gut; what's the verdict on milk?

Not to mention that, even if you concede the point that the study does conclusively prove that children drinking raw milk have less allergies, it has no bearing unless you are a child.

The thing is, it said children growing up on farms drinking raw milk - right?

So maybe kids growing up on farms are less prone to allergies in general. Was the control group kids on farms not drinking raw milk? Comparing kids on farms to regular kids makes no sense in the context of just drinking raw milk.
The thing is, it said children growing up on farms drinking raw milk - right?

So maybe kids growing up on farms are less prone to allergies in general. Was the control group kids on farms not drinking raw milk? Comparing kids on farms to regular kids makes no sense in the context of just drinking raw milk.

That's the thing: the study says that a statistically-significant inverse correlation exists between raw milk-drinking farm kids compared to non-farm kids. However, when one examines the farm kids by themselves, and then examines the raw milk-drinking farm kids, the link is no longer statistically-significant.
Not to mention that, even if you concede the point that the study does conclusively prove that children drinking raw milk have less allergies, it has no bearing unless you are a child.

Haha, that too.
Except that being a vegetarian is NOT a healthy lifestyle. It can be, if carried out properly, but usually it is not.

I can't believe you haven't been banned yet. Isn't there a rule against stupidity?

meat and dairy heavy diets aren't usually carried out properly either, hence all the fat, unhealthy people in the world today. if more people were occasional meat eaters and ate more nuts, fruits, vegetables and beans, etc, the world would be a more healthy place with less obesity.
Lol you know that he is arguing a different point from yours, correct?

i didn't say he wasn't. milk is full of unhealthy crap and i agree with him that raw milk is healthier even though i don't believe in either. but if i had no choice i'd be on his side.
Depending on what type of pysical activity you engage in, I'd say cut pop completly and move more. Calories in vs out yada yada yada. Wendler has a great article about out training your diet.

1. Stretch
2. Lift heavy
3. Condition

This is training NOV
meat and dairy heavy diets aren't usually carried out properly either, hence all the fat, unhealthy people in the world today. if more people were occasional meat eaters and ate more nuts, fruits, vegetables and beans, etc, the world would be a more healthy place with less obesity.

You realize you are contradicting yourself?

By definition if they aren't carried out properly how can you use that as an example?

There are plenty of societies which consist on mainly animal protein and fat and are very healthy.

Just stop, man. A vegetarian diet is NOT inherently more healthy than an omnivorous diet. Vegetables are NOT inherently more healthy than meat. Its simply not true so please stop acting like it is.
Personally I feel that it's not an entirely necessary part of our diet. I stopped drinking milk (you know the kind) when I became old enough to eat solids. Haven't drunk any kind of animal milk on a regular basis since then but I grew up in an Asian country where milk was bad quality, expensive and never fresh.
Personally I feel that it's not an entirely necessary part of our diet. I stopped drinking milk (you know the kind) when I became old enough to eat solids. Haven't drunk any kind of animal milk on a regular basis since then but I grew up in an Asian country where milk was bad quality, expensive and never fresh.

Necessary? Perhaps not. But there are better ways for TS to lose the gut then just focusing on cutting out milk. Cut out soda, cut out cheeseburgers and shitty foods, move more. All this is better then just cutting one thing from your diet as THE answer to why you have a gut.
Necessary? Perhaps not. But there are better ways for TS to lose the gut then just focusing on cutting out milk. Cut out soda, cut out cheeseburgers and shitty foods, move more. All this is better then just cutting one thing from your diet as THE answer to why you have a gut.

I didn't say that cutting out milk would the way to lose weight. Just that I personally don't feel it's a necessary part of the diet. If it's not necessary, it's just extra calories.
Necessary? Perhaps not. But there are better ways for TS to lose the gut then just focusing on cutting out milk. Cut out soda, cut out cheeseburgers and shitty foods, move more. All this is better then just cutting one thing from your diet as THE answer to why you have a gut.

There is very little food that is actually "shitty". Pizzas, cheeseburgers etc is not shitty food.

I didn't say that cutting out milk would the way to lose weight. Just that I personally don't feel it's a necessary part of the diet. If it's not necessary, it's just extra calories.

There is few better forms of food to put in your mouth then milk.
The Verdict on Milk ????????

Well, the verdict on milk is pretty much the same as verdicts in the the corrupt US justice system:

White Milk: Innocent

Chocolate Milk: Guilty
I haven't read through this thread yet, but I came here to say that I recently started drinking raw, fresh grassfed milk and the shit is absolutely delicious. And it's been remarkably easier getting my calories in.

That is all. Carry on.
I haven't read through this thread yet, but I came here to say that I recently started drinking raw, fresh grassfed milk and the shit is absolutely delicious. And it's been remarkably easier getting my calories in.

That is all. Carry on.

While I don't have access to raw milk, I can get low heat pasteurized non-homogenized milk at my local farmer's market, and that stuff is pure awesome. Huge difference in taste. The farmer explained to me that the milk he sold at the farmer's market had typically come out of a cow the day before. He said most of his other milk is sold to Borden, who come to pick it up once a week, then they ship it 500 miles for processing, and it's generally 2 weeks before it hits grocery shelves. Not nearly as fresh.