TUF 2024


White Belt
May 10, 2023
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Should start filming soon. Any news on who the coaches will be?
I'm amazed people still watch.

Anyway there's a sub forum for this bollocks my dude.
Honestly couldn't care less, haven't watched it for a good few seasons now. It sucks.
Does anyone actually watch this show? It was fantastic back when it started, full of talented fighters. But that was a very brief handful of seasons.

The first season had better talent than a Fight Night card by far, but those days are long past.
Jones and aspie

Us vs euro
Does anyone actually watch this show? It was fantastic back when it started, full of talented fighters. But that was a very brief handful of seasons.

The first season had better talent than a Fight Night card by far, but those days are long past.
The last time I enjoyed watching was when Usman won then show. It was a gym vs gym season.
The last time I enjoyed watching was when Usman won then show. It was a gym vs gym season.
Yeah, I might have missed some good seasons; I just remember getting bored with it and giving up. I never really kept up with the house drama after the first season, just the fights; not really a fan of reality shit anyway though.
Nobody is going to watch this shit without severe changes to the format.
TUF should be heavyweights only, with all contestants allowed to eat PED's for breakfast and get $250k bonuses for every KO.
I like any season that shows a lot of the training and weight cut
I always skip the coaches challenges lol, the rock climbing one with rhonda rousey was cool tho.
However i'm a newbie so i've probably only watched like ...idk 7, NO 8? seasons out of 30. I watched all the seasons that had female fighters
and the only others is GSP vs Koscheck and Pulver vs Penn

If you have any suggestions pls lmk haha.
anything that's kinda motivating y'know.

edit: I also started watching Brazil TUF with Sonnen and Silva hehehe. Watchingn tht rn.
I like any season that shows a lot of the training and weight cut
I always skip the coaches challenges lol, the rock climbing one with rhonda rousey was cool tho.
However i'm a newbie so i've probably only watched like ...idk 7, NO 8? seasons out of 30. I watched all the seasons that had female fighters
and the only others is GSP vs Koscheck and Pulver vs Penn

If you have any suggestions pls lmk haha.
anything that's kinda motivating y'know.

edit: I also started watching Brazil TUF with Sonnen and Silva hehehe. Watchingn tht rn.
TUF Latin America Velasquez vs Werdum was good
Regarding the original version, out of the recent seasons, Benavidez vs Cejudo and Sonnen vs Jones are the best seasons.
TUF Latin America Velasquez vs Werdum was good
Regarding the original version, out of the recent seasons, Benavidez vs Cejudo and Sonnen vs Jones are the best seasons.

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