Movies Twisters - (Coming July 19th, 2024) - Trailer Post #45

If Ram doesn’t do a product placement again then I’m out!


This movie single-handedly launched Dodge into actual competition with Ford and Chevrolet in truck sales instead of being a distant third.
I love disaster movies so I'm down.

Should be hard to fuck up a big budget tornado movie. Show lots of people getting fucked up by a tornado and I'll be happy.
I non-ironically love Twister but I also love hearing O&A rip it to shreds

My favorite Jim Norton line of all time
“Why does this movie need villains? What are they, trying to make the tornados deadlier?!”
Great movie. I love how people say hollywood is just as good as ever and here they are remaking fucking twister. someone go track those ding dongs down. i know they lurking here. "we all forget the bad movies." lolololol

oh yea? how do I remember The Phantom then? Checkmate Copernicus
I saw Twister in the theater when it came out. Always liked that movie. Long way Down is great Goo Goo Dolls song too.
Me too! That was my first ever 'date'. Parents picked her up and dropped us off to see it, grade 5 or 6. Was a great time! Fun movie
It's actually one of my favorites of the Van Hagar era. That shit is rocking. Wish they had done more like that

Don't Tell Me What Love Can Do is the only other song I can think of that really seems like the same style.
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Can't help but ask myself, does Twister really need a sequel?
oh for fuck's sake
Twister was fun for what it was.
But this is just really starting to scrape the barrel of cashing in on nostalgia
I kind of agree, but it is the writer of The Revenant, and apparently the script was so good that Spielberg took notice and immediately threw his studio behind the film to produce it. So maybe this won't be the typical schlock that most of these nostalia sequels are.
I watched the original not long ago and the special effects still hold up. How you much you wanna bet the special effects in this one will somehow be worse?
No doubt this movie will be CGI'd up the ass. Which is really too bad. If Nolan can make Oppenheimer with zero CGI, then surely they could make a tornado movie with zero CGI. If only.
Cant wait to see who the brilliant scientist badass female teen heroin will be...
I assume it will be like Twister, but woke.
"While chasing a twister, Dr. Jo Harding was left a mess, barely escaping with her life. After years of reconstructive surgery, shes back ....but so are the...Twisters!!"

The first one did a pretty good job of capturing the fear involved. Especially the opening had lots of great mood and atmosphere. I hope the sequel will shoot for that too, and lean heavily into suspense, tension, dread, and the terror of it all.

If the movie is half as interesting as some of these videos, it could turn out pretty decent.

(How fucking scary where the house right next door blows completely away)

(mfer runs right into the tornado! 10:52)